final attempt,
no we dont agree at all,
i just read some of your threads and i see what the problem is,
look what you posted here,
"20cb110 thats not correct. everything has a length for a one set freq. which is the reasoning for exact coax lengths with 2 hot set ups. your antenna is a certain length for say 27.200, so is coax. now you cant change your antenna swr with coax, thats fooling it. you can fine tune the system as a whole for best efficency, and the least amout of reflection. i tried a test and proved this to be true. using the mfj 259 i had 50 ohms on ch 40, we centered the swr on 27.200 which was 57 ohms. when testing the reflection we had 4 watts with a 2x6. after trimming the coax till it was 50 ohms on 27.200, rechecking the center of the tunning. reflection was now 2 watts. now a field strength meter wasnt used so i cant tell you if the signal was any stronger, but more power can go out due to less loss and the box was happier also".
now where did you type anything in that post that contradicts what i am saying??
let me have a go at explaining my view one last time, if you still dont get it then i give in,
you tuned the antenna and ended up with 50ohms on ch40 and 57ohms on 27.200 ( you with me so far )
in this situation providing your test gear is accurate the only frequency that your coax may NOT be acting like an impedance transformer is on ch40,
BUTBUTBUT on 27.200 the impedance seen at the source is 57ohms and your coax is now acting as a transformer and the antenna feedpoint impedance is not really 57ohms but some other complex value ( not 50ohms ) you also have standing waves on the coax,
next you proceeed to trim the transformeraction coax untill the impedance looks like 50ohms at the source,
you have not altered anything at the antenna feedpoint it is still some complex impedance OTHERTHAN 50ohms,
but the coax is now transforming this feedpoint impedance to look like 50ohms to the source rather than the actual feedpoint impedance,
but its better!!! you say and you can prove it :x ,
yes it is, your radio is now able to deliver its full output into the coax,
it may well run cooler swing better maybe even be the difference between smoking on the bowl and smoking 10ohms lalala but you have not tuned the coax for 27.200,
now wassup with that??
the only thing we dont agree on if you care to reread my posts is the issue of the coax having to be a certain length for a certain frequency,
you think it MUST be tuning the coax for the frequency you want to use and i am TELLING you that is incorrect,
i will ADMIT that i may also be incorrect and want and expect those with a better understanding to set me straight,
the truth is your antenna is not 50ohms on 27.200 and you still have standing waves on the coax,
will that make it less efficient than a correctly tuned antenna hmmm,
depends on how you regard efficiency,
yes all the power from your transmitter will go to the antenna and be radiated eventually,
appart from a miniscule loss return loss as the signal bounces back and forth between the antenna and the output filter/tank in the transmitter,
i believe at this point that very nearly all the rf WILL be radiated,
but the radiation pattern of the antenna is most likely less than ideal when compared to a resonant antenna with a true 50ohm feedpoint and any old length of coax
putting TOLL_FREE and others in the same class as psycho is WAY off base,
these guys are here to help even if their delivery is not the most diplomatic way of getting their point across,
shit they may well jump allover me with this post and set me straight,
i dont mind at all i am hear to learn,
if nobody in the know pulls me up for my mistakes i will go on perpetuating info that is WRONG,
NOBODY but nobody understands everything and i admit to been a jack of all trades and master of none,
there are a few on here that have taught and still do teach me a thing or two,
i just hope that the only thing i taught others is NOT that i am a dumbass cber :twisted:
your remark about my long posts hahaha, MOLE does not have enough space on here for me to make a truely loooong post