Well I did get it working, but there is too much lag after you hit the TX button, takes a couple of seconds to switch to VFO b transmit and back to VFO a for RX. It probably has to do with the poor com port routines and all the extra software like virtual com ports that I had to install to get HRD to work with the Rigblaster PnP ..
I just started reading up on the serial stuff included with the HRD, gonna experiment with that and see if its ant better, or even works with the RigBlaster PnP.
I do have a nice set of cables from the guy in England but I dont have a good USB to Serial converter, the one I have is a prolific chip set and its nothing but problems with HRD.
Here is a pic of me on the roof doing the final install.
Here is a link to the NA1SS Contact !! http://w1med.net/blog/media/blogs/a/elkantenna/NA1SSdeW1MED.mp3
I just started reading up on the serial stuff included with the HRD, gonna experiment with that and see if its ant better, or even works with the RigBlaster PnP.
I do have a nice set of cables from the guy in England but I dont have a good USB to Serial converter, the one I have is a prolific chip set and its nothing but problems with HRD.
Here is a pic of me on the roof doing the final install.
Here is a link to the NA1SS Contact !! http://w1med.net/blog/media/blogs/a/elkantenna/NA1SSdeW1MED.mp3
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