Ok Guys and Gals its time to pay attention now. im gonna make this very easy for all of us to understand. top hats do work and HELP To LOWER THE ANGLE OF RADIATION , THEREFORE U WILL TALK FURTHER. on your car or suburban it is hard enough to have your 1/4 wave antenna perform like a 1/4 wave . steel whips have to much of a height take off angle, wasted energy going to outerspace. some people are so gun ho about the steel whips , not me unless u got 2 of them in an array with dual hotts with capacitor tuning . a coil in a resonat circuit is the most important part of the antenna for great transmission, is reactance , ears, q factor all of that stuff. capacitor hats work great , ask any real ham thats been in the game for a while ! and egg beater, mickey mouse ears, or even a corona ball will help yes, symetrical shapes will work better to. way to many people bitchin in here and not trying it for themselves. mr coil makes a beautiful antenna , i love em , holds a lot of watts to, and outperforms just about everthing out there. i love the double coil one he makes . i had had every dam antenna on my mobile from 3 wraps to 10 wraps. around 6 foot works the very best overall for one antenna. but the coil is very important ladies and gents for that effiencey that makes the anttena radiate properly .
time to go back on the bench for some real world tests. take a break from the pc for a while, lol lol you guys no who im talking about . lol