You are getting a better amp with the kl203. It's made for SSB. Not class c setup and the input numbers are over inflated.
Keep the pep input low and your dead key set at 2 watts. You aren't going to see big swing out of the 980, they aren't made for that. They are however, clean and clear radios that will drive most amps just fine. I use mine with a 2 transistor amp with Toshiba 2879 transistors. Granted they can take more drive then the 980 will put out, but it's not needed. 200 watts to 300 watts there will be no noticeable difference to the receiveing station between the numbers above. And with that said, if you get 70-100 watts out of the kl200, with the least amount of power being 50 watts let's say for the heck of it. From the starting point of the 4-5 watts you see on AM, you need to multiply the power 4 times to get a 6db or 1 s-unit gain to a receiving station. So let's say you go to 50 watts from the current power, that is 10 times the power and will increase your signal by about 2.5 s-units. Now to get one more S-unit or 6db more of received power out you will need 200 watts. From there it jumps to 800 watts and so on. 50-100 watts and a good antenna setup and you'll do just fine on SSB. AM as well, just that SSB is a more efficient mode of operation vs AM. Read up on the differences between real SSB amp that is AB biased vs a class C amp and it gets down to how clean a signal you're putting out and how it sounds on SSB. Normally and I say normally, class C amps don't fair too well on SSB. They may work, but you may sound choppy. With the kl203 you are getting a real AB biased amp that is made for SSB and not just partially made for SSB. The amp you have although it has an SSB switch, it's only a delay for SSB. Not really a true SSB amp. More for AM/FM use. For clean, clear audio you want an AB biased or at least a B biased amp for SSB use. Man postage is like $10-15 bucks man. USPS priority mail. The if it fits it ships box. The medium boxes work
just fine as long as you pack the box with plenty of cushion. Use a bunch of old newspaper, bubble wrap, or something similar. The peanuts work okay but need to be packed with some newspaper or something else as well. Nice that Tallman has thrown the offer out there for you. He knows a lot about the RM Italy amps, maybe send him a PM and see what you can work out man. Be a good deal
for you truly as you are getting a known working amp and directions as how to setup and use it. Can't ask for much more than that!!! At any rate. Whatever you do, get a meter that will read pep power. The one posted is not a true pep meter but it will read pep power better then the meter you have now which I beleive is reading only average power now. The meter in the pic below will do tnis as well and with it set on average the 980 shows little to no swing on AM and about 8 watts pep or avg on SSB. I have my 980's power turned back to 2 watts am dead key swinging to about 6-8 watts pep, on SSB I get about 8 watts pep as this is where I set my radio up as to not heat up as much as it did running at 12 watts on SSB. Not much of an AM talker, but I do know the 980 with the uniden wireless Bluetooth mic works well paired together for SSB use. The stock mic didn't sound right to me. Opinions will vary on the mics as far as which is best for this radio, and there are several mics that will work well with this radio, it's up to you to figure out which one will suit your needs or preferences. Again, these are JMHO's. Hope you get it all resolved there and if possible I would trade amps with Tallman. He is a stand up guy and won't screw you!!! He is a very good friend and he is a good person!! We all try to help each other as much as possible it seems like here on the forum, but I've personally met Tallman and can honestly say he is a good dude!! A gent and a good friend!! At any rate. Just to possibly ease your mind about trading. Again, good luck and hope you get it all resolved.