When you say your vswr is 2.0, is that with the amp in line or out of line? You should be setting vswr with no amp in line. When you achieve a good match and vswr readings, then add the amp back in line. If your vswr reading goes up with the amp in line you have a mismatch somewhere between the radio, amp, and antenna. You can sometimes fix this issue by changing coax jumper lengths. This is only a bandaid but can work for now if you have a bad vswr. You don't want to operate the amp with a vswr of over 1.3:1. This will ensure that the amp stays safe as well as your transmitter. Will it work with higher vswr, yes I am sure it will, but for how long?? Like I said, get your learn on before proceeding with messing with the amp any further to prevent anymore damage from occurring. JMHO about that. Also, you can check the dead key of the amp with the small dummy load you have as long as you don't stay on the key long. Get the carrier of the amp to about 20-25 watts, so that means when you key your radio with the amp on your dead key will be about 20-25 watts. It might take turning the radios dead key down to as little as .25 watts. I'm not sure as to how much input is needed but from experience with past amps the dead key can range anywhere from .2 watts to about 2 watts max for most amps. Now if your driving say a 4 pill amp then a higher dead key would be needed to get the correct 1:4 ratio of power. So if the amp will output 100 watts pep or full modulated power, then you want to set the carrier to 25 watts out of the amp. Remeber that when you go below 2 watts on the Uniden 980 that the internal swr meter and such won't operate correctly as you need at least 2 watts of power for it to work. I've not tested this myself as my dead key is set at about 2-3 watts, but I am sure the other members here that have tried it and reported this back are correct with what they state. Like I said, I would take the amp out of line until you get some more knowledge under your belt or you risk doing more damage to the amp or possibly just completely blow it. I am sorry if the words seem harsh, but it's nothing more than the truth. If all I had is that amp and no money, I would darn sure make sure I knew what the heck I was doing before I ever turned the amp on or even place it in line. But it's not my equipment. I have a few amps and found that a good antenna setup will get better results then adding an amp. If your serious about the hobby, again get your learn on and make sure you have a good antenna system before you proceed with any amp adding and such. And as far as the deal with Tallman went, he offered you a known working amp for yours that is questionable at best. And all he asked is exchange of the old amp. But that boat has sailed now so that is out the window. So I say again, stop where you are and get your things in order before moving ahead. Read up some on why not to use an amp with high vswr (SWR) readings as well as how to properly set an amp up with your radio. Plenty of guys using the kl200 and kl203 with the Uniden 980, do a google search and watch some vids.
Now as far as getting a better watt meter, the radio shack meter is a good one for the money. Read the reviews about it on Eham, and cbradiomagazine.com.
As you can find these on eBay for $10-40 dollars if you look hard enough. They were $40 new so take this in mind before you buy one. Used they should run like k said, anywhere from $10 up. Don't get your hopes up on finding one for $10 but I'm sure if you keep your eyes peeled you can find one.