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CDX304 ... the CB fool continues.

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Hi Hi. Time to get off the omni IMAX 2000 and setup the 50ft. tower and PDLII I have ... unfortunately I'll been saying that for years.

Klondike Mike,
All you have to do is start. Do a little each week or day until it gets finished.

I was told many moons ago-
"Inch by inch is a cinch. Yard by yard is very hard."

I now choose to just turn off the radio and walk away.

He knows. He is a member here and is probably reading this right now.

Even if a HAM ticket came in a corn flakes box, I would not sign up. I can communicate on the Internet, use a telephone and operate on 11m/MURS/FRS frequencies without having a license and give up any personal liberties. Internet or telephone harassment isn't tolerated. Why is 11m harassment acceptable? One shouldn't have to endure nut-cases like Shaun Pasay and Blue Waffle using any of these unlicensed services.

So, did you not always calmly walk away? These guys usually have a reason for picking a target.

I hope murs/frs and the internet work out for you. Even if you stopped giving him attention today it might take a couple of years for him slack off. I've saw a few agitators with this kind of dedication.

We have a really persistent agitator here. He actually talks civilized to the guys that won't play his game. According to him we're not any fun. He's went to great lengths to screw with some others that were going to run him off the air with threats and insults.

What rights would you give up if you got a ham ticket?
Even if a HAM ticket came in a corn flakes box, I would not sign up. I can communicate on the Internet, use a telephone and operate on 11m/MURS/FRS frequencies without having a license and give up any personal liberties.

Give up what personal liberties? If you are paranoid about someone knowing your name or address from your callsign you can use a P.O. Box and that eliminates the location or if you are REALLY paranoid about it (cannot think of a single reason to be except for people that deliberately stir up crap and want to hide) you can request Industry Canada to not publish your contact info. I have seen that a couple times. As long as Industry Canada can deliver mail to you that is the ONLY contact requirement. Nobody else needs that info if you so choose to take that route. Just saying.
"Inch by inch is a cinch. Yard by yard is very hard."73's David
I like that. I've never heard that before. Although, I am a believer and have been following that rule for a long time. Thanks for putting a phrase to it.

So, did you not always calmly walk away? These guys usually have a reason for picking a target.
Dunno. Initially I engaged him to find out what his problem is/was?? No response except the continual noise interference.

What rights would you give up if you got a ham ticket?
I elaborate in response to CK's post below.

... you can request Industry Canada to not publish your contact info.
This is part of my concern. Thank you for elaborating on this matter of importance. Another thread should be started to follow up on this and I will not pursue any further discussion on it in this thread.
I like that. I've never heard that before. Although, I am a believer and have been following that rule for a long time. Thanks for putting a phrase to it.

Dunno. Initially I engaged him to find out what his problem is/was?? No response except the continual noise interference.

I elaborate in response to CK's post below.

This is part of my concern. Thank you for elaborating on this matter of importance. Another thread should be started to follow up on this and I will not pursue any further discussion on it in this thread.

However you engaged him really put you on his radar. I didn't expect to get all the details but would it be fair to say you took the bait?

You got annoyed by the ham ticket suggestion rather quickly. It probably doesn't take much to get a rise out of you on the air.
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Sorry Everyone! I rarely get involved in these type of threads.
I really never understand that kind of statement.

Klondike Mike said:
"Even if a HAM ticket came in a corn flakes box, I would not sign up. I can communicate on the Internet, use a telephone and operate on 11m/MURS/FRS frequencies without having a license and give up any personal liberties."

This type of Prepper/Survivalist/Isolationist thinking always escapes me.
Are you hooked to ANY Public utility? Water/Sewer/Gas/Telephone/Electric/Trash Pick-up etc.
Do you have Bank accounts? Credit Card(s)
Do you have a CELL Phone?
Driver license and vehicle registration.
Do you buy/sell on-line?
Do you, or have you had children in a public school system?
Ever Financed anything? Own your Home/or Rent property...car ,truck...washer/dryer...etc...etc...
Even something simple like a magazine/newspaper subscription
Guess what? You are part of the world wide multiple accessible Databases.
Do you really logically believe your identity is still private!
Just the list above makes you accessible to literally hundreds of thousands(if not millions) of people and numerous databases, who sell and trade that information on a minute by minute basis.
We had one of these op's here local: (about 60 miles away)
I am OFF the Grid...solar power/well water...no ultilities...I live in a private forest...
He was a constant pot stirrer on the air...blah-blah...nobody knows how to find me!
Well it was easy. All it took was his "Private mailing address":
Found his Mother/Father/Sister via birth records. ...checked public records on property transfers...guess what?
I sent him an aerial shot of his "private" property via his located 10 mile away PO BOX and problem solved...Have not heard him on the air in quite sometime.
When he has been on the air he is very nice and cordial.
So you can keep your delusional attitude about being a Ham and giving up your info, because Nobody has a private life in today's world. Your info is out there somewhere, many times over already.
With all respect members, we only hear half the story here.
All the Best
Gary/ Proudly W9FNB
I sent him an aerial shot of his "private" property via his located 10 mile away PO BOX and problem solved...Have not heard him on the air in quite sometime.

Exposing our local nut job shut him up for a while. The guys that were obsessed with him couldn't stop talking crap and cracking jokes about him. Once he realized they were full of hot air and wouldn't do anything to him he was back in full force. They brought it on themselves....again.
yes sir he will wish i lived close by. i would handle the problem for you. at no charge
im serious would not be the first time. ive done it. actually im not that far. as a crow flies just 10 minutes over the border.
Give up what personal liberties? If you are paranoid about someone knowing your name or address from your callsign you can use a P.O. Box and that eliminates the location or if you are REALLY paranoid about it (cannot think of a single reason to be except for people that deliberately stir up crap and want to hide) you can request Industry Canada to not publish your contact info. I have seen that a couple times. As long as Industry Canada can deliver mail to you that is the ONLY contact requirement. Nobody else needs that info if you so choose to take that route. Just saying.

Being anonymous is what social media is all about........make up a fake name and pick fights. It had an impact on the 2016 US election. LOL
Having your name/address in the call sign database keeps that in check 95% of the time.
We had a guy in the Bay area, All he wanted was to be included....... ever try inviting him to a break or to talk??

Invite him? Talk to him?
Are you suggesting taking the high road?

Why that's downright outlandish!
Such thinking will get you labeled a lunatic :ROFLMAO: or traitor :cautious: in these parts if not careful. ;)
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