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CDX304 ... the CB fool continues.

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During the last cycle, I had some a-hole in South Carolina key up and block my ears whenever he heard me. I usually continued to ghost talk as if I didn't hear him. When he would key up again, I'd jump back in and tell my contact that someone was covering my ears, and not to pay attention to anything I was saying. He never gave his handle or location, but one day I heard him talking local and found out his handle and where he lived. Next time he keyed up on me, I called him by name and said I was going to visit him one day and show him how Colombians handle people like him. Never heard him again.

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Hi Hi. Time to get off the omni IMAX 2000 and setup the 50ft. tower and PDLII I have ... unfortunately I'll been saying that for years.

here is a little trick i used to do. if you have a guy or girl you want to talk to. get the other party on the phone when you talk on the phone and key your radio at the same time.it make him think your getting threw his key
Just to clarify my position in case it was not clear. I am the victim here. I am the one being harassed. I will not be "taking the high road" and taking this bully out for coffee to chat.

There are presently only two active SSB operators in this city of 1 million, me and CDX304. CDX304 has chosen not to communicate but to interfere with the only other local operator. There is no winner in this situation. I would only be too happy to have another local operator to chat with but this is not the case.

I appreciate everyone's input but I will not remain passive to any acts of intimidation from impeding my enjoyment of radio communications.
I'm not judging you for wanting to get even with the guy. I hope he gets what he deserves but I like my freedom. I damn sure wouldn't jeopardize it to have 38lsb with no locals in the dead part of the solar cycle. If I were planning to do something to him I wouldn't be telling the world about it. The only legal thing you could do is report him but we all know that is a waste of time.
I appreciate everyone's input but I will not remain passive to any acts of intimidation from impeding my enjoyment of radio communications.
Not to be intimidated is good, not to be depressed is even better. It would be best to book a scheduled flight to Key West and spend a few weeks on vacation. Put your mobile rig in a flight case and forget the trouble for a while! ;)
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here is a little trick i used to do. if you have a guy or girl you want to talk to. get the other party on the phone when you talk on the phone and key your radio at the same time.it make him think your getting threw his key

I remember a know it all newbie wanted to key against my 4 pill mobile with a 10 pill.
The judge gave us a countdown, and we started on channel 12 and when he said go......... we switched to channel 13. He was so embarrassed after hearing the Watergate, the 10 pill was for sale!
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If 304 is using a vertical antenna; then it is time to get a Sirio SY27-4 4 element horizontal beam.

Hey; if you are SERIOUS about talking skip this coming season; then you will need to get one and talk around him. Double your DX distance RX and TX.

In horizontal mode, he will be 90 degrees out of phase, and then you can turn it any angle away from him and he will be a just faint sound. Had to do this before with a local joker; put him in the weeds. Promise.

I just bought another one for skip season coming up.

BTW - what is his Ham callsign?
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If 304 is using a vertical antenna; ... Hey; if you are SERIOUS about talking skip this coming season; then you will need to get one and talk around him. .., what is his Ham callsign?
He is running a Moonraker 4 and power. Even if I was to have an equivalent/or superior antenna setup, it is always easy to interfere with the incoming DX signal. CK ran a check for any HAM license in my previous thread and came up negative. Adding hardware is not going to solve this problem. Now, taking hardware away would.
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I have not called out CQ in a few months. I'm hearing some sporadic-e propagation on 11m and Nevada is coming in. I call out to try a make a few contacts. Guess what? Shaun Pasay (aka CDX304) starts with the interference as before. This guy is really sick. He sits by his radio 7/24 monitoring waiting for me to key up. Watching his waterfall on his FLEX. Waiting to see some red. Only then does he decide to participate in the CB community with the usual transmitted interference.

At least I am keeping this nut-case off the streets because he is too busy monitoring 38LSB. This CLOWN needs a $18,000 dollar fine as well.
Why don't you meet me you clown robin .You started this years ago with what you said .Your the one with radio problem !! You started the war !!
Just to clarify my position in case it was not clear. I am the victim here. I am the one being harassed. I will not be "taking the high road" and taking this bully out for coffee to chat.

There are presently only two active SSB operators in this city of 1 million, me and CDX304. CDX304 has chosen not to communicate but to interfere with the only other local operator. There is no winner in this situation. I would only be too happy to have another local operator to chat with but this is not the case.

I appreciate everyone's input but I will not remain passive to any acts of intimidation from impeding my enjoyment of radio communications.
Stop with the lies baby and meet like a man !!!
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