The colors are different than mine. on a Malaysia model its green orange blue. On your grant xl, did blue go to r174, white go to 8v c84/ic4, and red go to ground?
I just used a factory chrome plastic knob and drilled it out with a 1/4” drill bit, and it has a snug press fit on the shaft, but not so tight that you can’t pull it back off.What did you do about the knob?
How many KC's can you slide? Half 5 or whole 10 ? I am curious because my slider is wild.
red97K1500,adding the ten turn helped
I just used a factory chrome plastic knob and drilled it out with a 1/4” drill bit, and it has a snug press fit on the shaft, but not so tight that you can’t pull it back off.
I can’t remember. I will check when I can get back to the radio... I will say that adding the ten turn did not affect how much it will slide. My clairifier is wild also,it slides a lot...adding the ten turn helped with drifting. My radio will drift about 100hz slowly over a couple hours
Update: I never was able to get the clairifier to track from left to right