there are two main styles of these 10 turn pots.
one of them has a pinout like this:
in this style, terminal 1 is the wiper (center terminal on the stock pot) and goes to R174.
terminal 2 goes to the constant 8v. usually pin 1 of the MB3756 regulator
terminal 3 goes to R175 and then to ground.
many mods will tell you to go directly to ground, but that is dangerous and there should always be some resistance in the line even if it's just 100 ohms.
when you can't get the clarifier to line up after the mod, its because it's been thrown off balance by jumpering R174 and removing R44.
you can't change the voltage coming in, so that means the max value is pretty much set.
to move the 'middle' around, so you can align the radio, you need to experiment with different varactor diodes.
MV201, NTE612, and NTE613 are good places to start.
you can also add some inductance in series with the varactor. don't go over about 5.6uH.
i cant remember whether this lowers or raises the center freq though.
changing the value of R175 to a lower value will allow some more downward slide, but again, don't go too low because you are basically shorting 8v to ground when the clarifier is turned all the way down.
the second style is like this:
in this style, terminal 1 goes to R175 (ground side)
terminal 2 goes to R174 (wiper)
terminal 3 goes to the 8v (pin 1 MB3756)
hope this helps