I had one instance where the radio came in - in two pieces. The case and main PCB in one hand with the front panel in the other...
So as the story went (I'll be brief) the "gentleman" was using the radio in a mobile setup driving an amp - then something happened to the antenna and he received a shock off of the mic - and nearly losing control of the car at the same time.
Well, he wanted to fix it himself but wound up getting in over his head - the original problem was loss of ground - bad SWR kinda' thing - where RF floats about and can give you quite a poke. It burned up the Mic gain pot and limiter - Final and Driver survived. But it's in the effort to repair it, that he took it apart to fix it not knowing how to put it all back together let alone know what went wrong.
So that was like those puzzles you see in toy stores - lots of hardware - frayed wires and pieces of radio in a Ziploc bag - with them saying "can you get it to work again"?
I actually did, it was an older PC-66XL - so I used one as a template and put it back together for them...
So, if you think this was bad, it is a good lesson for all of us in why we put up with what shows up on our doorsteps - and don't feel too guilty about charging for the repair. As far as the customer goes, it's in their best interests to learn how to become a responsible operator - having to pay for their mistakes that could have been avoided.
And also the Murphys' Law of Labor Rates...
$10 Hr - to re-align
$15 Hr - to replace meter light
$20 Hr - to replace broken knobs
$40 Hr - to replace Finals and or Driver
$100 Hr - If you bug us to let you watch us fix any of the above
$250 Hr - to repair what you broke and recreate original problem and fix that