Maybe cb receive is in the ears of the beholders ? (-: best receive I've ever heard on any radio was from cybernet boards which were basically old school Midlands and G.E's (and at the same time I've heard guys call them crap,go figure ?) Also older 148GTLs and the Grant XLs. as far IM concerned ,the older 25s had great and or good enough receive for my ear holes. I think after a few 100 radios in my time that I could tell a differents. (-: ..this reminds me of a perticular radio , the PC-122s were very nice (decent) little back pocket AM/SSB radios,excellent transmit but always felt the receive on those could have been better , I always felt the SSB side of receive was better then the AM side on those, even though it was still good enough , I've had many of those over the years and the AM side receive just kind of sounded lightly conjested to my ears. .........Now lets talk about ANL/NB's on some of these radios....(Uniden boards for the most part) Cobra 29's / Cobra 148's / Grant XLs .YES !! they all have good receive sections in them , but I have never ever been fond of there ANL/NBs ,they are usually on a 3 step switch up and down , I have found over the years for them to act more like RF gains then not !!(watch your meters needle as you ingage each blanker and listen to quility of the incoming receive as you do this compared to with them off) , Yes they will take out the noise if need be ,but they will also distort in incoming receive as well and they have a way of making folks sound bad and or not true. For me , some radios tend to make better base stations then they do mobiles. )-: I honestly can't speak for newer 25s or 68s , but the older 25s basically have built in ANLs , they do have a NB switch on them that most folks seem to think they don't work and that's far from the truth...they really do !! they cut certain crap out that you would here if they weren't on from time to time (the auto-anl takes care of the rest) The boards on those radios or some variation of them have been around for 30 years , It made a lot of money for Uniden and it has proved itself as a very realiable radio , 30 years is a long time not to change a whole hell of lot when it comes to a radio. The Cobra 25 LTD's are a very reliable AM only radios period . And I can personally swear by there ANL/NBs as being one of the best if not the best.