getting crystals cut these days is very difficult, as most manufacturers wont take small orders anymore.
also remember that there are other specs involved with a crystal besides the freq. load capacitance for example.
that radio does not have two finals in it, those two transistors in the rear are your audio amplifier. back before ICs were cheap, they used two transistors in a push pull configuration almost exclusively.
the final is that flying saucer looking transistor on the side, and the driver is mounted in front of it to that piece of heatsink.
any time you are looking for info on an old radio, you can check here:
Secret CB and see if secret CB has any notes on it.
look in the back of volume 28 for an index.
i think that radio would be known as a cobra 29.
at least i have heard of one of those before.
cobra 26 sounds weird. wonder if the faceplate guy had dyslexia. OLO