Then you're ready to troubleshoot the Audio section.
Any word about PA and if it works?
And if you are trying other microphones, grab a schematic and look over the Mic Plug wiring inside the radio...
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4 - wires from mic plug "jack" to radio thru a harness, radio will have a three wire "harness" that goes up from this area - that weaves into the main loom, and they go to the Mic Gain control pot on the front panel.
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2nd wire up (Middle), is live Mic audio GOES INTO the pot...
IN (Audio)
1 st wire up Top, is Mic Audio FROM the WIPER Arm of the pot.
3 rd wire up is ground from the main board - provided to the pot to send the rest of the mic signal somewhere...
MIC Ground
From the pot back to the main board. That 3 wire harness has your Mic audio thru the pot, attenuated - back to the main PCB - You really only need two - but they use three.
From there, it's sent to a filter and an attenuator called Limiter.
Locate Audio Amp - follow that Blue wire from the DYNAMIKE Pot down to TR17 Audio Amp you'll find that
View attachment 23572
We'll save that for later -
Now that you have the radio sending a carrier but scratchy audio - time to look for pulled parts, cut traces - fresh rework from previous owners / shopkeepers and re-check these items by referring to their Silkscreen ID (R for Resistor C for Cap - stuff like that) and look for them on the schematic for type and value of the part.
If you find work that looks blobby or cold solder or even cracked, these are suspected areas. Reflow solder and clean them up as best as you can. This is one of the tedious parts of the job - redoing and re-checking work, because you don't know what he previous owners may have had done to it.
Good job on getting carrier back, check with a SWR and Power Meter of the Patient and see how much power it is producing.
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In some cases - the feedback loop of the AMC (Audio or Automatic) Modulation Control may have a failed part - possibly the sense cap could have shorted. C71, C72 and C73 by D11 - or maybe some work was done to the Mic Amp section - near the middle of the board, by the flatpack audio amp chip ... (bolted to side panel)
Review and rework as needed - DVM spots to check for short as well as open and reflow any solder as needed
Hope this gets it working...
:+> Andy <+: