The reason I was switching scales was because I used the AVG mode to set the dead key. Only because I don't know what I am doing. Do most people set it with the peak mode?
Tune it with peak power. If you don't the amp ends up being undercoupled. Grid current is high, tubes fail and things can arc if you tune up at lower drive than you intend to use. The 1k tone works good for cb radios and is usually the best method. Yelling audio or whistling into the mic is tricky because it's hard to keep the audio level steady while tuning.
You can also tune the amp up with a carrier equal to or slightly greater than the pep power you are going to drive it with. Amateur radio operators normally tune an amplifier like this. HF rigs often have a tune function that dumps the set power into the amp for tuneup. You can also use AM or FM mode with the carrier cranked up. It shouldn't take more than a couple of seconds.