Booty, if you check out his list of goodys he has a 2990 with 2879's in it. Why that needs to be done is beyond me but I'll just stop there. I bet 4 swinging 200 looks great on a scope.
Think about it like this, It sounds like Carl runs a cb shop to me. If he tunes say 100 RCI 2995's in a year he only wants 3 or less to come back not working. You start jacking them way out and guess what, now he gets 30-40 upset customers back with blown radio's. If he says don't over do it there is a good reason.
Observation, if a power supply has a tough time keeping up with 2290's in these radio's you won't help things by swapping in 2879's so don't do it.
Think about it like this, It sounds like Carl runs a cb shop to me. If he tunes say 100 RCI 2995's in a year he only wants 3 or less to come back not working. You start jacking them way out and guess what, now he gets 30-40 upset customers back with blown radio's. If he says don't over do it there is a good reason.
Observation, if a power supply has a tough time keeping up with 2290's in these radio's you won't help things by swapping in 2879's so don't do it.