HOLY SHIZZ!! And to think again, this one made it past quite a few people. But the turmoil that has been created from threads about things, radio related, but this is some a different level shit here! I don't give a FLYING F***, how good anyone claims him to be with a radio, again, these type of people outta be just taken out and hung by the BALLS!!, like someone said in a post earlier!!! I would say quarter horse him myself and all the others like them. Just include another rope attached to ba***!! This is the worst and most painful way to die, and justly so!! JMHO. Sorry if I ruffle any feathers, but as a father of 3 girls, my shotgun and .41 magnum sit close by. Even my oldest at 15, doesn't have a boyfriend! She is more worried about school. And no my kids aren't ugly. That is besides the point. These people have more access to things these days than ever before with computers and the Internet. It's FUC*** up, but sadly the truth. But I am sure this type of behavior has been going on for a lot longer than most would think.
At any rate, like I said, if these other allegations are truth and not someone being mad or something, or trying to get back at someone for something elseabout Fine Tune CB shop, then
, then this is another one to stop recommending and stop posting about them as well. But that is JMO. I don't care how good of a GD tech they are. If they are ruining people's lives, then they need not be helped along in any way and by any form, be it rsdio repairs anything radio related!! Let's stand up Parents, and help to rid the earth of these types of SCUM!!
OK, rant over. Like I said, I truly hope that this isn't another case of a pediphile!! If so, it's F'ed up and needs to be dealt with!! JMHO's and sorry if this offends anyone. Actually I don't really care if it does or not if the allegations are true, but more info and facts need to be gathered about Mark Sherman before we go off on a witch hunt. I will say that. At any rate, let us not lay down and let our youth fall prey to people like this. I am pretty sure most parents would agree. Again, sorry for the rant, have a good day all.