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Brother DXer

226 ~ west Texas WDX-226
Aug 20, 2022
Sitting at my desk this morning and around 9:26 am our building started shaking. It was from a 5.0 earthquake in Snyder, TX We have been having more and more of these out here. Take a look at one day's worth and you'll understand. Now imagine every day of the year... Select the pic to enlarge

Did you feel that, @undertaker ??

Screenshot (836).png
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Is there a lot of fracking for oil going on out there ?
In our neighbouring province of Alberta many small earthquakes have been linked to the practice of fracking, which is when high temperature/pressure liquids are pumped deep into the ground to release oil and gas. The liquids can separate rock strata deep underground causing 'quakes. Some of the Alberta 'quakes have been large enough to cause damage and there is a move afoot to ban fracking altogether.
Is there a lot of fracking for oil going on out there ?
In our neighbouring province of Alberta many small earthquakes have been linked to the practice of fracking, which is when high temperature/pressure liquids are pumped deep into the ground to release oil and gas. The liquids can separate rock strata deep underground causing 'quakes. Some of the Alberta 'quakes have been large enough to cause damage and there is a move afoot to ban fracking altogether.
Oh yes! We're fracking central here. I went to google earth and got a screen shot of what it looks like out here. These are all drilling pads, (each dot) either ready to be used or already have been drilled on. I see this and can't believe what I see!!
You'll see this throughout all of west Texas.

Screenshot (837).png
They have fracked the hell out of this area and I have gas wells all over the place around here ( Made a lot of farmers rich but not me, lol ) but we haven't had any quakes around here ( Yet ).
Pack up your family we'll get you a place up here in the armadillo. It's now too unsafe to live there man, you might wake up in a sink hole one morning.

If it starts getting too bad, you may find me up there! Or somewhere other than here. They've been having earthquakes in Oklahoma as well, and anywhere they're fracking. The Dakotas too.

This is what happens when you poke the bear. Ol'e mother earth starts shaking you off, like a bunch of fleas.
Take a look around next time you're out and about. If you see someone who doesn't look the slightest bit nervous, they're probably from California.
Correct, most of us don't even blink unless it over a 2.5 magnitude.
The last one that got my attention I remember very well, it was May 2 1983.
I was outside welding up a crack on the front end of a IH farmall 806.
I literally felt like I was standing on a mattress with someone jumping on it the ground was moving so much.
The tractor was rocking back and forth as I scrambled away from it.
It rocked so hard it bounced on the rear tires.

Yeah it got my attention

That one was a 6.7 magnitude, near the town of Coalinga , maybe 90 miles from where I was working.

It forever changed how I think about how solid the ground is under our feet.
It's not.
It can whip up and down like a sheet in the wind.

Looks like they upgraded the one in Snyder to a 5.1
Yep, that's in the rock and roll category.

Stay safe Guys

Pretty wicked stuff for a place that's nowhere near being used to it.

Back between 2000 up until about 2011 just east of us along the Oklahoma state line, they punched so many holes it was unbelievable. I was hauling frac tanks for Haliburton, Schlumberger and bj services. One heck of a boom time. You could stand on the rig floor and see rigs every direction 1/4 mile apart. H20 fracs, of anywhere between 60 to 100 tanks sets and they would do several stages depending on the windows per hole. 100 tanks times 500bbl each and done 3 to 4 times per location, you're displacing some serious stuff under there. Well heads from 1500 to 3000 psi in the beginning of production, now some are under vacuum to pull the gas out.

I'm just saying, before the last 5 or 6 years we had never had quakes like we've had recently. No not California style but they're quakes. I'm not anti-frac and don't even want that to be the discussion, just saying common sense shows something has happened.
Is there a lot of fracking for oil going on out there ?
In our neighbouring province of Alberta many small earthquakes have been linked to the practice of fracking, which is when high temperature/pressure liquids are pumped deep into the ground to release oil and gas. The liquids can separate rock strata deep underground causing 'quakes. Some of the Alberta 'quakes have been large enough to cause damage and there is a move afoot to ban fracking altogether.
That fracking has caused earthquakes in a lot of areas where they were not usually happening. I've also heard reports of ground water contamination.
I'm not anti oil, but it's time to start using some alternatives...and I don't mean wind and solar crap either. Small "micro" reactors for power are good for the grid, much safer and smaller foot prints than the older reactors, and I've heard of plant alternatives for diesel and gas. We will still need oil as just about everything we touch has plastics, and many more uses other than fueling vehicles.
My 0.02 cents,

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  • @ BJ radionut:
    those boys in Louisiana going to be hard to live with...working those HI stations...my buddy Greg KK5SW/4 elements @35ft/350 watts...2 HI contacts today!!!! Arnold KE5JXC snagged one also!!!
  • @ Mark Malcomb:
    Hello BJ. Been a long time since I've been on. You doing well? Mark Malcomb
  • @ Naysayer: