I would never spend good money on a Galaxy Radio. If I am not going to have Dual VFO's, rock steady SSB and the ability to continuously tune 10-12m than I am not going to and would not buy a export radio. I would consider an RCI2950DX since I did own and loved my RCI2950 I owned in 1991-1998 before Fred Balantine of Hinseville Ga. failed to return it to me after I shipped to him while in College for repair and alignment. He went out of Business and prior to that he gave my Mom and Dad the run around when they went to his shop to check on it for me. They had a rental property in Hinesville long after Dad retired and moved to Michigan. I think their might have been a combination of money issues and family issues but I was 1200 miles away so not sure.
I do not see DI or ASYMETRIC Modulation as being the end all be all. Both are a bit too extreme to me. Their is a ton of ground one can play around in between factory stock and the extreme's of MMM and DI. To me it is like someone asking about a better way to get their charcoal lite for their grill and you recomend a WWII Flame Thrower or Thermite. It is like using a anti-tank missle to take down the tree in your back yard.
Hifi should not equal greater than 100% modulation. I think that it is rather limited view on the subject even if that is how 99.9% of those in the hobby see it.
I was not aware that the Cobra 2000 ran in class C bias in am or that it was set up to change bias with mode selection. I know the Crea 8900 and I think Anytones do that they automaticly change bias for mode selected C for AM, AB1 for SSB etc....