My antenna works as well with no ground.
In such a case, I use a SS hose clamp and attach the ground to the feedpoint coax connector after I screw it onto the transformer.This model doesn't even have a ground lug.
Plenty of advice already, but specifically to your question, I have a end fed wire ~134' long with a 49:1 transformer coax fed. The coax braid is ground rod connected. I can tune 160m - 10m and make contacts on 80m to 10m when the bands are open. I've also used the shortened version ~67' tuned for 40m with 110uH coil and ~6' wire after that for 80m.
I've used a similar length non resonant wire with 9:1 transformer and a single counterpoise wire ~65' with same results. In my experience both require a tuner.
If you do the end fed wire, with the room you describe if there is no way to bend it for more length just make sure you use a non resonant length for any band you wish to use and as many ground mounted radials as you can and a 9:1 transformer with your tuner. Put a Common Mode Current choke at the shack entrance to handle potential RF issues.
Hi there, Following the thread here and took comfort in your previous thread where you stated the radiator can be bent and still works... that has really helped me as Im about to install the exact antenna you speak of, 49:1, 130ft and was concerned it may come down faster than it went up - I have added a switchable relay as outlined in this video if it is of help to anyone else, great video from this gentleman -
Thought I’d share the information.
Mark (UK).
Portable operations is all I do for HF. Mostly SOTA, which EFHW are great for.Thanks for all the good reading.
I have a 49131 (49:1 unun) from Balun Designs that I've been wanting to use to skirt my HOA regulations. Not only have I not gotten around to it, but I've also picked up a 20' crappie pole and have considered dedicating the setup to portable operations.
I thinking of mounting the box, a foot or so from base of my Oak tree. I have a 6 foot remnant of copper ground rod. Pound a stake in ground and mount the box about a foot high and right next to it, drive the rod.
I'll remove my 20 meter inverted V and pull the radiator straight up vertically. Use existing LMR-240 from my dipole that feeds in the house. Can I lay the feedline on the group up to my shack? I can run it along base of my privacy fence to avoid mower/trimmer.
I was thinking of just making everything temporary because I want to install it several different ways to make comparisons. I want it to perform better vertically, if possible. It will be a cleaner install and out of the way, if vertical.