Radio check with Firestik:
The local that said I was putting 9 1/2 s-units on him said that I am now showing 20+ DB on his radio.
More radio checks to come!
I have the MFJ-971 Antenna tuner inline for now.
Going back over and checking the swr at the band ends and the free bands.
1:5:1 on 27.855 MHz.
1:7:1 on 26.515 MHz.
1:2:1 on 26.965 MHz.
1:2:1 on 27.405 MHz.
Bonus video!
Shortened Dipole Antenna Part 7/7 - YouTube
Zed Zed's Workbench - Easy to Build Amateur Radio Antenna Projects & More!
RCI RG 99.......$ - YouTube
well, with an increase like that in signal level, you can be sure that the person you are getting the check from is not a reliable source. (not because of the person, simply because of the impossibility of that much added gain coming from a 1/2 wave vertical antenna, no matter what you do to it)
the reading he gave you would be legit if you had stepped up from an A99 to a 4 element beam pointing right at him.
also, remember that S meters need calibrating after years of operation, and your brothers' radios may be due for a full alignment.
if you really want to see the difference the top sections make, set up a field strength meter at whatever distance causes the needle to barely move, and then switch the top sections and note the difference in field strength.
my guess is that you will notice no difference.