weatherman49 said:
if 11m used fm that it would ease some of the congestion created by skip
True for local communications, and it's due to something called 'capture effect'. Basically stated - The strongest signal in your FM demodulator's passband
wins. No annoying heterodynes, but with a large number of stations on any one frequency you'll still experience QRM, flutter and other annoyances unique to the mode.
and if both modes were implemented maybe there would be fewer people operating out of the frequencies allocated for 11m or freebanding as it's called in certian circles!
If anything, allowing both modes to coexist in the same immediate region of the spectrum would make matters worse as they're incompatible with each other. A group of people who suddenly find their favorite AM hangout to be overrun with FMers will either interfere with the newcomers or set out for greener pastures - and probably not in the 'regular 40', either.