I dont think anything will change regarding enforcement, those rules have been on the books for many years and we have all seen how it works.
If they really wanted to find you it's not going to matter what mode you are using.
It has been my experience that CB and ham radio are just not that high up on the list of enforcement actions.
I have been on both sides of this fence, 30 years ago I and others worked with Sheriffs, local Police, FCC field agents and in the end, Federal Marshals to get a really bad guy behind bars.
He was a psycho and it stopped when things got so far out of hand that people were getting shot at.
In the end Federal Marshall's arrested the guy on weapons charges, but the whole shit storm started on CB radio.
It's like several Hams that have been screwing up the bands for years and it takes years more just to get them to pull a license.
Its not like American Broadcasting Company that they can simply drop a $150,000 fine on and easily collect.
That's my take on it after playing radio for a lot of years.