Im looking to get a new HF rig . I’m undecided between 4 radios . The Yaesu ft991a , ftdx1200 , ftdx3000 and the Icom IC7300.
It seems like 2 out of every 3 contacts I make is someone on an IC-7300. And all sound great... edit....
. . . the 7300 fails miserably with close in adjacent signals.
Im looking to get a new HF rig . I’m undecided between 4 radios . The Yaesu ft991a , ftdx1200 , ftdx3000 and the Icom IC7300.
Looking for opinions , pros and cons on the radios listed above and which one would you buy and why .
Thanks in advance
. . . he had the 991a set to 100K, and the 7300 set to 50k.
I couldn't see how fast he had the scroll speed set to.