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Galaxy DX 2547 Base potential ?


Sr. Member
Feb 22, 2019
About 3 years ago I bought a brand new Galaxy Base Station from Bob's CB Shop in PA because I was tired of dealing with 2 old Uniden Washington radios I had bought from eBay and Graig's List. Just more problem's dealing with old stuff when I just wanted to talk some skip. I didn't have Bob really mod the radio just unlock the clairifier and adjust it to work with my Palomar 300 A. Well needless to say at the time skip wasn't rolling very often and got tired of trying it out and wasn't impressed with it so I sort of set it aside and experimented with other radios. Now skip is on everyday I decided last night to hook it up again and give it a whirl. I talked to a guy in Texas this morning on it and was less than thrilled with the reports I received back. Now it made me start thinking about sending it back to Bob's for a full blown upgrade with receive,audio, and transmit plus adding extra channels. I'm thinking it is already paid for so it would be a investment in a new radio. Anybody out there know what all can be done with this radio?
Probably couldn't add Weather & FM but I'd settle for the rest.
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About 3 years ago I bought a brand new Galaxy Base Station from Bob's CB Shop in PA because I was tired of dealing with 2 old Uniden Washington radios I had bought from eBay and Graig's List. Just more problem's dealing with old stuff when I just wanted to talk some skip. I didn't have Bob really mod the radio just unlock the clairifier and adjust it to work with my Palomar 300 A. Well needless to say at the time skip wasn't rolling very often and got tired of trying it out and wasn't impressed with it so I sort of set it aside and experimented with other radios. Now skip is on everyday I decided last night to hook it up again and give it a whirl. I talked to a guy in Texas this morning on it and was less than thrilled with the reports I received back. Now it made me start thinking about sending it back to Bob's for a full blown upgrade with receive,audio, and transmit plus adding extra channels. I'm thinking it is already paid for so it would be a investment in a new radio. Anybody out there know what all can be done with this radio?
Probably couldn't add Weather & FM but I'd settle for the rest.
What were people reporting that you were less than thrilled about?
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Um, do you have a way to hook up a mobile radio to a power pack and plug headphones into the external speaker jack?

If you can't take a listen yourself to what they're bitching about how will you know what it is you want improved?

Could be that more than one of them is just full of beans.

I'm gonna guess you would find that it sounds way better on the 300A's Low side than it does on high side.

If so, this radio is just too big to run High side. When the 300A was designed, CB base radios would deliver about half the wattage new ones can.

Take a listen and decide for yourself before spending money. Helps to know just what you're seeking to fix.

Looks interesting and I'd go for it if I was a younger man but have too much to do to set and figure it out. I feel guilty because I don't spend enough time at my radio now and skip has been going everyday lately. Just hope it's there for the cold in the house days. LOL
Yeah....too many bells and whistles, for me also. I'm a "plug and play, keep it stock and simple" guy because I don't have any knowledge about the internals of radios, and I'll keep it that way.
But......, I'll admit that I did adjust VR14 and VR18 on my RCI-2980WX to lower the dead-key / carrier to match-up with my amp. I bought a set of ceramic screwdrivers prior to removing the cover. When I removed the cover, I went into shock mode when I looked at all those parts and components. I adjusted VR14 and VR18 and put the cover on and never looked back. I am the second (maybe third) owner of the unmolested 2980 and it works great. I'm considering the RCI-2995 just to have something new.
I have had two new 2547 radios. They worked great and I would have kept them if there were a few lights for the control knobs.
Yeah....too many bells and whistles, for me also. I'm a "plug and play, keep it stock and simple" guy because I don't have any knowledge about the internals of radios, and I'll keep it that way.
But......, I'll admit that I did adjust VR14 and VR18 on my RCI-2980WX to lower the dead-key / carrier to match-up with my amp. I bought a set of ceramic screwdrivers prior to removing the cover. When I removed the cover, I went into shock mode when I looked at all those parts and components. I adjusted VR14 and VR18 and put the cover on and never looked back. I am the second (maybe third) owner of the unmolested 2980 and it works great. I'm considering the RCI-2995 just to have something new.
I have had two new 2547 radios. They worked great and I would have kept them if there were a few lights for the control knobs.
I see you said that you are considering the the Ranger 2995, I have the newest model of it(Ranger 2995DXCF) and they are Rock Solid on SSB,no drift whatsoever,does about 150 watt's after being converted and tuned for 11 meter's (State line CB shop in Florida is where I got the radio from and did the work) I have had the radio for about a year now and I have had no problems, great radio ,hope this helps!!
Yeah....too many bells and whistles, for me also. I'm a "plug and play, keep it stock and simple" guy because I don't have any knowledge about the internals of radios, and I'll keep it that way.
Yes I agree with your thinking. I'm up to my neck in finish up work on my house so I can sell it and get a small place. But I would like to make my 2547 sound a little more commanding on the air, plus improve the receive circuit, and add extra channels for freebanding. My Cobra 2000 is a great radio but it is also a old radio and it is only a matter of time before it lets me down and needs work. That's why I'm considering taking my 2547 back out to Bob's CB Shop and have him give it a going over while he is still in business. Then I might have a radio that will last as long as me. Of coarse I'll keep that GE Superbase as backup or might even put it in my garage with a Dipole.
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Um, do you have a way to hook up a mobile radio to a power pack and plug headphones into the external speaker jack?

If you can't take a listen yourself to what they're bitching about how will you know what it is you want improved?

Could be that more than one of them is just full of beans.

I'm gonna guess you would find that it sounds way better on the 300A's Low side than it does on high side.

If so, this radio is just too big to run High side. When the 300A was designed, CB base radios would deliver about half the wattage new ones can.

Take a listen and decide for yourself before spending money. Helps to know just what you're seeking to fix.

You have a great idea and I have been thinking about the Headphones but would like to find about a 25' extension cord for them because I have a receive radio set up in the room next to my radio room on a separate antenna and want to check my own radio transmissions because you can't always believe someone else's opinion. You never know how good their equipment is. I have large headphones around here and a extension cord and adapters just have to get time to find them. Like the old song says I'm the ( Man on the Run ) LOL
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Yes I agree with your thinking. I'm up to my neck in finish up work on my house so I can sell it and get a small place. But I would like to make my 2547 sound a little more commanding on the air, plus improve the receive circuit, and add extra channels for freebanding. My Cobra 2000 is a great radio but it is also a old radio and it is only a matter of time before it lets me down and needs work. That's why I'm considering taking my 2547 back out to Bob's CB Shop and have him give it a going over while he is still in business. Then I might have a radio that will last as long as me. Of coarse I'll keep that GE Superbase as backup or might even put it in my garage with a Dipole.
A forum member attempted to convert my 2547 to get the extra channels but he was honest and told me it just didn't work out and he left it stock.
The big black base radios are nice, but honestly, I have no use for all the other available channels. Forty up and down are good enough for me. I had a Cobra 29 with the Lescom channel conversion and that was all I needed but I sold it and kept the 2980.
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A forum member attempted to convert my 2547 to get the extra channels but he was honest and told me it just didn't work out and he left it stock.
The big black base radios are nice, but honestly, I have no use for all the other available channels. Forty up and down are good enough for me. I had a Cobra 29 with the Lescom channel conversion and that was all I needed but I sold it and kept the 2980.
I can appreciate and understand how you feel but with DX really rolling and immature clowns with noise making BS blocking good people from enjoying what radio is meant for it is some time nice to slide off onto Extra channels and converse with friends. A couple weeks ago I met with a radio buddy from Austin Texas on a freeband channel for about a half hour undisturbed and had a nice chat and could test and check out our radios. Seems like the more mature individuals need to escape the clowns who want maximum impact from BS. Would be nice if I could connect with you sometime but I guess we are too close. 73s and Happy DXing PS. 2547s can be modded because a administrator from another forum had a tech do up a full blown 2547 for him. Ya just gotta get the right tech. LOL
I can appreciate and understand how you feel but with DX really rolling and immature clowns with noise making BS blocking good people from enjoying what radio is meant for it is some time nice to slide off onto Extra channels and converse with friends. A couple weeks ago I met with a radio buddy from Austin Texas on a freeband channel for about a half hour undisturbed and had a nice chat and could test and check out our radios. Seems like the more mature individuals need to escape the clowns who want maximum impact from BS. Would be nice if I could connect with you sometime but I guess we are too close. 73s and Happy DXing PS. 2547s can be modded because a administrator from another forum had a tech do up a full blown 2547 for him. Ya just gotta get the right tech. LOL
The primary reason I buy ten-meter radios is for the extra 40 up and 40 down channels and only need the radios converted to eleven-meters.
Yes, I am aware that a 2547 can be modified but I'm not in favor of having kits, toys, etc. etc. installed in a stock radio.
I have 2 2547's a few 959's, and a couple of Ranger Freedom One's. All the same really. They all have extra channels and it is pretty easy to do. If you get a Viagra board, the Les Com version it's even easier, pretty much plug and play. All work well for me. I tend to use a Turner desk mic on the bases, and Turner hand mics or even some of the newer Cobra power mics and usually get good reports. There's always the guys that tell you you're off frequency etc., etc.
As long as you like the rig and you can talk I say go for it. A lot of guys are using amateur radios out of band, and to tell the truth, CB sounds better on CB in my experience. I have a few HF rigs, but I use Cb's on the chicken Band and the uppers and lowers.
Yes they drift a little until they warm up or adjust to the environment, but after that they're pretty steady.
Just my opinion.
If you get a Viagra board, the Les Com version it's even easier, pretty much plug and play.
Yeah that's what the admin from the other forum had put in, the Viagra board and some other goodies. I'm going to do it so if my Cobra 2000 takes a sudden crap on me I'll be ready to Rock and Roll. I'd love to get time to study for a Ham license but between my work and my elderly family I'm kind of Full Up. PS. I also have 2 Galaxy DX 979s I enjoy

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