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Galaxy DX 2547 Base potential ?

About 3 years ago I bought a brand new Galaxy Base Station from Bob's CB Shop in PA because I was tired of dealing with 2 old Uniden Washington radios I had bought from eBay and Graig's List. Just more problem's dealing with old stuff when I just wanted to talk some skip. I didn't have Bob really mod the radio just unlock the clairifier and adjust it to work with my Palomar 300 A. Well needless to say at the time skip wasn't rolling very often and got tired of trying it out and wasn't impressed with it so I sort of set it aside and experimented with other radios. Now skip is on everyday I decided last night to hook it up again and give it a whirl. I talked to a guy in Texas this morning on it and was less than thrilled with the reports I received back. Now it made me start thinking about sending it back to Bob's for a full blown upgrade with receive,audio, and transmit plus adding extra channels. I'm thinking it is already paid for so it would be a investment in a new radio. Anybody out there know what all can be done with this radio?
Probably couldn't add Weather & FM but I'd settle for the rest.
Try a Delta M2 mike.
Try a Delta M2 mike.
I'll 2nd the delta m2 Mike as I have one wired up for my Ranger 2995 and it made a world of difference in my opinion on getting my Signal out so to speak,they are great Mike's and you can adjust the tone of your voice &Modulation as needed!! Example: I have my tone set to 5, Modulation set to 7 and on my radio my mic gain set at 8( for SSB use) on am mode,I usually have to cut back the modulation till 3 so I don't overdrive my radio with my voice!!! I hope this helps you out!!


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