I use the 2980 for local and the extra channels.I have 2 2547's a few 959's, and a couple of Ranger Freedom One's. All the same really. They all have extra channels and it is pretty easy to do. If you get a Viagra board, the Les Com version it's even easier, pretty much plug and play. All work well for me. I tend to use a Turner desk mic on the bases, and Turner hand mics or even some of the newer Cobra power mics and usually get good reports. There's always the guys that tell you you're off frequency etc., etc.
As long as you like the rig and you can talk I say go for it. A lot of guys are using amateur radios out of band, and to tell the truth, CB sounds better on CB in my experience. I have a few HF rigs, but I use Cb's on the chicken Band and the uppers and lowers.
Yes they drift a little until they warm up or adjust to the environment, but after that they're pretty steady.
Just my opinion.
I have and use a Cobra 29 Competition and a Cobra 29 with variable power for skip use only.