I have two thoughts on this. 1. We have third world country people from a village getting paid probably $4 an hour to put these things together. Most likely a 6th grade education at best so to think they would know how to operate electronic test equipment properly and put together and align a quality radio transceiver would be foolish. Im surprised its not worse than it is, They probably cant even say oscilloscope. Pshh, vietnam, really? Whats next, zimbabwe. 2. The american consumer is partly to blame for this, everyone wants cheap things and would rather throw it away and buy another one rather than pay a higher price for quality. Its everywhere, "we demand lower prices", "we want affordable goods" blah blah blah. American manufacturing got destroyed. (You can blame the government for that one) And of course the whole overseas dirt cheap crap parts and labor, so the company's make a huge profit. It makes my blood boil too. Hell, at least have the Japanese, Phillipinos or chinese make them again, at least they know what they are doing. American made quality? Nope, those days are over and wont return. Made in cambodia is the new norm. Sad days