I'm debating on which radio to put in my truck, general lee or cobra 29 with a MOSFET final and an echo board. Which one of these would have more if a loud mean sound to it
Loudest? They'll be about the same. Flip a coin.
Yeah the general lee is an am only export
cause if it were me and i was [am] only id buy a cobra 29 and a small 2 pill ampI've never heard a GL that sounded bad. Probably still the #1 choice of truck drivers. And you have the built in channels and FM too. I don't see the point in spending all this money modifying and adding things to a 29 when you get all these features and more in an Export.
I would go with the Cobra 29 if I were you simply because the Homeland Security now looks for exports at weight stations and will have to sent to Guantanamo for merely possessing it in a commercial vehicle.
Not to start a war on Radios, But the Cobra 29 has one final, The General Lee has 2 finals. There would be no way that the Cobra 29 could do the same as the G.L. I have had several G.L.'s JMO. The only way the Cobra could be as loud as the G.L. is with an RFX 75 installed in the back of the Cobra 29.