I feel if I report them then they will make up a lie and say im using an amp or an illegal radio and im not im using a stock president washington with no amp and an antron.
If you are running a legal station I would not worry about it.
gather as much info as you can and send it to the FCC , have as many guys in your area do the same, it will take a lot of noise to get them to act.
It matters not if they are Hams or CB`ers or what ever....just make as much noise as you can with the FCC and keep it up.
In fact, you might want to see if there are any other "Hams" in the area that will help you out.
Most Amateur Radio Operators Do NOT condone this type on conduct.
Is there a Club in your Area that has Meeting`s?
Find out.
Go to a Meeting, talk to some of the members....you might be surprised at the results.
Not Every Ham in the world hate`s CB op`s.
There was the same kind of thing going on where I lived many years ago, and it took a lot of us writing letters to the FCC, making complaints to the Sheriff`s Dept, writing letters to our District Representative.....you get the Idea.
You have to become a large pain in the Ass to anyone and everyone that might be able to do something about it and keep it up.
It took over a year before The FCC with the help of the local Sheriff`s office took action and solved the problem.
And contrary to what some may think, it did not turn into a sweep of the whole town, they focused only on the individuals that were listed in the complaints.
Even back then, the FCC field agents did not have time to spend running around town looking for everyone with an Amp.