This thread started out as a vitriolic attack on the US President, plane and simple. Even if you detractors were right, and you are not, how do you justify the criticism on a personal level? If someone was to break into your home and take and do what ever they wished with you and you loving family, what would you do, just hunker down and come up with 25 good reasons why this could happen to you and look to bring forgiveness without first administering out justice first. Do you have so little confidence in our way of life to ignore the fact that captive and oppressed people all over the world aspire to come here for the freedoms and opportunities that they so much desire? Even the world to our south is straining at our southern borders to gain entry at almost any cost. Souls that come here to the USA to enjoy and prosper, yet complain all the while, that there is this effort in the US to change their culture, and they don’t like it. Even while here there is never enough, but all the while in their home country never raise a whimper from whence they come, purely out of sheer fear of the ruthless powers that be, just across our own southern border.
What were you saying as the aggression against us in the last 30 years took place even within our own borders? It is clear to me that some of you guys must feel that any aggression against a free nation is justified simply because of the appearance of greed and avarice of its free citizens. There has to be something wrong with that picture in your little bitty minds if this nation, standing up against injustice everywhere it exists, has to make excuses for being free. Now this what I consider a ridiculous attitude when you look at the wonderful influences of our nation in every port of call on this earth? The whole world is better off, even in the remaining communists countries the influence is changing them in spite of their oppressions. Would you chance a stint living there? No, I didn’t think so.
How quickly we forget about the threats of the great and powerful Soviet nations against us in the cold war era saying we will bury you. You bucked President Reagan in his determined efforts to make sure that never happened. His plan worked though and you are better off for it and you still complain in petty ways. When Kennedy made his “Ask Not What your Country can do for you…” remarks many years ago and brought a divided nation to solemn unity for a short while. With his simple words and in my mind at least, that was the last vestiges of when the great Democratic party of this wonderful nation completely lost its way, by taking on the mantel of liberalism in its rawest forms and trying its best to disseminate socialism on our public. Did any of that scheme work, you know it did not. Not even one program is still effectively in place. It nearly broke our standard of living, our trust in government, and it did break what history may deem someday as probably one of the most ruthless and strong-minded Presidents in our history, Lyndon Johnson. The same cynicism also likely destroyed, probably one of the world’s most notable leaders of effective foreign relations and diplomacy, Richard Nixon. It probably also got the pathetic excuses for Presidents elected, Jimmy Carter and Bill, "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman..." Clinton.
It has already been quoted here, but is worth quoting again in part, “A nation divided will fall…!” What we have here is a cultural war and the folks in the US, for whatever reasons, have split in their determination to a solution. Are we at an impasse in this battle to define our future, maybe? And every excuse imaginable is being waged to support a flawed scheme for diversity at all cost and a mindset that if it feels good it has to be good.
Try reading this piece for some simple and holism direction for a change and try a perspective from another point of view, if you dare.
Hey 821, what could you possibly have against nationalism? Is that a from of loyalty that mankind has always desired and set on high like family, God, and country? Oh, now that I said that I understand why. It is fine to be diligent and untrusting of government, the keeps us as the founding fathers intended, but all of you Pharisees need to get a life.
BTW, didn't you guys get your share of the tax breaks that GW gave us all? Oh! you didn't? Well you probably need to get a job paying some into rather than sucking out of, and then you will surely get some back. Where do you think this current day prosperity comes from, letting your local, state, and federal representatives spend the money on all them good ideas that government comes up with or are all those ideas GW's ideas too?