It keeps away 95% hams since most don't even own a soldering iron
And how did you come to this conclusion...
It keeps away 95% hams since most don't even own a soldering iron
And how did you come to this conclusion...
I do not like the idea of disabling the ALC on AM, or any other mode for that matter. That will lead to splatter and while the operator will not hear it and he may get good audio reports he will be pissing off a lot of stations with his wideband splatter. THAT is the part I don't like about that mod done. As for setting the gain of the MOSFETS (whatever mosfets they are I do not know off hand) I suppose that is OK but it really does nothing except add convenience and it is OK IF the gains were set properly. Again....this is something that an operator should be able to do in about 3 seconds if he understands HOW to operate on AM. Just MHO of course.
.... Pull a number out of their ass and run with it.
If a person were using external audio equipment the ALC is just a nuisance on AM. An audio peak limiter will do a much better job and won't add the horrible distortion you get from ALC. The aphex dominator 2 does a good job for me on.
How many ham do you know that build anything short of an antenna. Please be honest.And how did you come to this conclusion...
How many ham do you know that build anything short of an antenna. Please be honest.
CBer tend to blow shit up. They run out of money, then they learn how to fix it. Or give up and become hams.
Maybe. It depends again just how things are set up including the carrier level. IF that is set properly and the audio limiter is set properly then yes you may not need the ALC active. Again this is all assuming that the operator is using external gear and knows how to operate it properly. Aphex does make some good gear and I have used Aphex "sta-level" compressor/limiters in AM broadcasting and they work well. My comments about not wanting to disable the ALC was in regards to NOT using external processors etc. Most radios can be made to sound pretty decent on AM without such gear if the operator is competent in setting up carrier level, compression gain, TX EQ settings if the radio has them and using a different microphone and injecting the audio directly into the balanced modulator. It all takes know-how, just like running a rack full of gear, however you don't need the rack full of gear to do it.
Hams and cbers aren't that much different. Some are smart creative people and others are idiots. Some like to build and some like to buy because they can't or won't learn. You can't say you built or designed your entire station and neither can I. I did have to modify my ham and cb radios to perform like I want them to.
With my kenwood any deflection of the ALC meter on AM is a good indication your audio sounds like garbage. I use the external gear on AM and SSB. If a person were still wanting to use a standard mic plugged into the front of the radio I wouldn't be so fast to disable the ALC.
Hams and CBers do have a lot in common. They also have their differences. many times threads end up bashing one or the other and it does not end well hence my comments above to that effect. You may not have seen much of that here as we tend to kill it ASAP and delete it if necessary. I have been here almost since the start of this form back in the days of Easy-Board and have seen MANY.
I do agree with this last part.
Many, and a lot of these guys have built there own transceivers and amplifiers along with software and hardware devices for Amateur radio service. Many Hams are real engineers in their professional life. I yet to come across people like that on the CB band.How many ham do you know that build anything short of an antenna. Please be honest.
CBer tend to blow shit up. They run out of money, then they learn how to fix it. Or give up and become hams.
Cap[/QUOTE]Captain. I'm glad I asked because it's apparent that these hf's aren't made to transmitt all that good on AM without putting in some effort and even then may not be satisfactory. It's obvious people buying them are just interested in operating ssb. Thay shine on ssb once the operater gets it dialed in as I've actually heard many sounding poor even on ssb. Probably because the operator just doesn't know how to or Is content sounding like his audios coming out of a 20" sub woofer sitting on the back seat of a mini Cooper. I mentioned my qso with Oliver in Germany earlier and, when I asked him how his yaesu 1000 mk V sounded on AM he said "I've no idea. I don't operate AM and never have".I now understand. I see myself losing intrest in AM ever time I turn my radio on. The fact that all I have to do to use the fs 2340 or any of my plate modulated rigs, is switch the coax from one meter to the other in order to switch over from my ssb station (uniden madison) to the AM station and the fact i don't even want too bother anymore is proof that my intrest in operating AM is quickly dying. I'm beginning to understand why hf manufacturers aren't interested in going all out to produce one that's an excellent AM performer. There for the most part ssb radios. IMO they should leave the AM transmitt out and just leave the option for general coverage AM rx. If I find somewhere on the amateur bands (when I'm licensed) where old timers (and not so old) are enjoying there plate/screen modulated equipment and I'm feeling it I'll just make some space for the Johnson ranger and join in. I've decided to focus my attention on choosing which transcivers the best for me. I do like the yaesu 1000 that was suggested in an earlier post but I'm definitely see sawing as it's a fairly sizable investment and would hate to be selling my purchase a month latter at a big loose because I didn't do my homework. So much excellent info came out of the hf's on AM question. I'm glad I asked.. No matter which one i purchase I'm positive I'll give it a go on AM just to see how good i can get it to sound now that I've learned how to run an hf out of the box properly on AM. Wheather the one I purchase sounds good or not I won't know until I get it.. By time I make my purchase my AM operating View attachment 15587 View attachment 15588 intrest may totally expire. I'm sure after all the knowlage I've gained will most likely leed me to playing with the controls and possibly mic combinations just to see how good I can get it to sound. Of course that's after I get it dialed in on ssb which I'm sure may take a bit of trial and error. Thanks to all who've replied. There's no where I could've got all this information especially with all the contradictory postings on line. I hope the next person who's interested in this subject finds the op and all the answers as helpful as I have. It will no doubt save him/her lots of time reading 100's of different confusing posts, blogs websites dedicated to this subject. Thanks again and enjoy the DX 'ing. p.s. the pictuctures of the equitment belongs to my friend as he's serious about auaudio.="Captain Kilowatt, post: 519524, member: 39"]OK This sounds like it is turning into another CB versus ham thread and it will NOT end well.
I will answer the question "How many ham do you know that build anything short of an antenna. Please be honest." The question was regarding owning a soldering iron I believe. A great deal do even if it is just an interface cable that needs to be soldered up.A lot of ham clubs have project nights where the members bring in projects they have started and need help with or just plain show off a completed project.
Now that that has been answered I see no further need to continue with any ham versus CB'er stuff. It has been addressed MANY times before and it NEVER ends well and this will be no exception.