That is a very true statement! I over drove a new KL-503 with 4 to maybe 5 watts in no time smoke and all and also smoked a 203 or 200 not because of voltage but wattage. I now run a 2 watt dk and they barely get warm
Who has been running 20 volts into KL-503? Run them over 15 volts or overdrive them and they pop like a bubble.
Google is your friend.
Power output formula.
Nice! I guess asking a question about one hundred watts is ridiculous on this forum. I wonder how many people out there do not post any questions because of this ridicule they will receive. And no this is not a isolated incident. It's one thing to answer a smart ass question with a smart ass answer but this attitude of "you are not worthy peasant" is prevalent here or it's the same bunch talking all the time.
Well that answers some questions. :laugh:
No seriously. Some of you are belittling a guy who only wants to learn, and and you don't even get the jab that you were belittling him with correct.
I thought P=IV, or P=I squared R
It does.
google that equation again
The KL models should never be volted. As a matter of fact and amp that is made should be not be volted. Especially if it is biased any way besides class C. It will pop in seconds. There are a few exceptions to the rule. The Davemade, fatboy and Xforce line of amps can be volted ( not the midnight specials though). And if these are volted, you better know what you are doing. SWR/ reflect needs to be nill. The higher the voltage, the less drive is required to excite them. Still at the cost of transistors nowadays, why even take the chance? If you want more watts, get a bigger box that you can loaf. Sure I have volted pills even over 20 volts. But to do so is at my own risk. I have popped a few in my day. Enough to fill a jar. As I stated and I think others stated. Run it as recommended. Otherwise up grade to a box at least twice the size. The little extra you get volting is not worth it. If amp blows. Can you afford to replace pills? Or buy a new amp. Just my 2 cents. I'm done