Hi All !...
I think if said it before here on forum. I asked a acquaintances of mine who works as a propagation analist for "radio world services" ...
He said....on 11 meter.... from a "wave" point of view it isnt important which polarisation you use.
(keep in mind..im not talking about additioinal bennefits like ground gain etc) .
As soon as the "radiation" hits the layers it will start to rotate... and thus fast you can not "guarantee" any polarisation can have any favour at a "set time". But overall the majority will be so fast in rotation there isnt any polarisation to favour.
There obvious will be times where one has the bennefit....but even then: While one procedeeds his own tests it will be hard to tell the difference between polarisation or take-off angle. (and dont forget things like gain differences......and reflections etc)
For "overall" best "DX" performance on CB it is best to setup a high plazed horizontal beam. (for its additional ground gain...most likely lower radiation angle (compared to a vertical) and possibly less noise).
That is logical...as most "big guns" and "contest" stations us such a setup. Infact those world radio services try really hard (when they use F2 layers) to put up hugh masts with ....a lot of horizontal antennas.
In the past i have made a circulair omnidirecitonal for "monitoring".
Attached is a picture of it.
View attachment 37532
It its possbile to construct something "circulair" without phasing lines.
K6STI has some good examples.:
Kind regards Henry