Yeah,I wasn't quite sure how the CW requirements were for extra and advanced.We can now get full privledges with just 5 wpm and either the Basic theory or the Advanced theory.Basic theory allows us to use up to 560 watts pep or a 160 watt carrier.Advanced theory allows us to build our own transmitters and run up to 2,250 watts pep or a 750 watt carrier.Industry Canada has a really wierd way of stating max power output.They express it as so many watts pep for SSB or so many watts carrier for any carrier type transmission.That could mean 750 watt carrier modulated to 100% for AM.That would be 3,000 watts pep for AM but only 2,250 watts pep for SSB.Either way I like the numbers.
Now if I could only make those numbers show on the watt meter. :?