How many Ham's in the group
I am a Tech here. Not much interest in HF. Two meter FM is my favorite band and mode. Maybe if the FCC catches up to the rest of the civilized world and the code goes away I might try some HF. Already passed the General written test once but couldnt get through the code before the year ran out. A lack of motivation I think. I see the code requirement comparable to making you learn how to crank start a Model T to get a drivers license. Handy to know if you plan to drive a "T" but just not relevent to modern day transportation. If you like CW thats great. I say keep the CW portions of the bands for those who chose to use it. But knowing CW really has nothing to do with how good a radio operator one is. Anyway enough of that for now. Im off the soapbox for now.
73 and God Bless, John KB9RYI
I am a Tech here. Not much interest in HF. Two meter FM is my favorite band and mode. Maybe if the FCC catches up to the rest of the civilized world and the code goes away I might try some HF. Already passed the General written test once but couldnt get through the code before the year ran out. A lack of motivation I think. I see the code requirement comparable to making you learn how to crank start a Model T to get a drivers license. Handy to know if you plan to drive a "T" but just not relevent to modern day transportation. If you like CW thats great. I say keep the CW portions of the bands for those who chose to use it. But knowing CW really has nothing to do with how good a radio operator one is. Anyway enough of that for now. Im off the soapbox for now.
73 and God Bless, John KB9RYI