Not counting FRS and GMRS, toys, and the half dozen or so CB HTs I had back "in the day", the count stands at three Icoms (favorite being the IC-T21A), two Kenwoods (TH-D7A), two Motorolas (favorite being my beloved XTS-2500i), and two Yaesus (FT-60R)
The FT-60 is my day to day HT that pretty much goes anywhere I go. The XTS-2500i is my public service event rig, cross banded through my truck or direct to one of the local 440 machines. It's big, it's heavy and it works like a champ. Battery life averages about 8-9 hours for me, with me working as net control.
The Kenwoods I absolutely hate. They don't feel right in my hand, stick out too far if worn on the belt, and they just feel fragile, like they're going to fall to pieces if you look at them wrong.