In case anyone is a bit mystified why the AGC causes the noise it's because of where the AGC takes place and because of the gain distribution in the radio.
Basically the WORST place to put ALL of the AGC would be at the very front of the radio.
This is because the signal would always be tiny and noisy after the AGC and the S/N ratio would stay poor for all signals even if you were 1/2mile apart!
This is why the onset of the AGC diodes at the front of the radio gets delayed until signals are quite big.
However... on a mk2 148GTL-DX on AM/FM the initial range of AGC happens at the second mixer. The way this mixer loses gain with AGC is noisy plus it's still quite close to the front of the radio. So the signals stay quite noisy. Not good.
The D7 mod above will work (to a degree?) because it is deeper into the radio and hopefully does the initial AGC range with minimal loss of S/N (followed by the second mixer AGC and finally the AGC diodes at the front of the radio chime in for big signals)
Hope this makes sense
Basically the WORST place to put ALL of the AGC would be at the very front of the radio.
This is because the signal would always be tiny and noisy after the AGC and the S/N ratio would stay poor for all signals even if you were 1/2mile apart!
This is why the onset of the AGC diodes at the front of the radio gets delayed until signals are quite big.
However... on a mk2 148GTL-DX on AM/FM the initial range of AGC happens at the second mixer. The way this mixer loses gain with AGC is noisy plus it's still quite close to the front of the radio. So the signals stay quite noisy. Not good.
The D7 mod above will work (to a degree?) because it is deeper into the radio and hopefully does the initial AGC range with minimal loss of S/N (followed by the second mixer AGC and finally the AGC diodes at the front of the radio chime in for big signals)
Hope this makes sense
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