Well George, you are asking for me to post on this thread once again. So I will talk to you.
i thought you might, lol.
It has already been demonstrated that:
*G0HZU may well be an RF engineer with uber cool test equipment that I don't frankly have to test the same question. I do trust what I can hear for myself.
*That it has also been demonstrated from another poster here that his results were different. HZU 'fought' to rationalize these findings and attempted to both dismiss them and the person that brought them forward.
i think he was trying to point out the original posters inaccuracies. i'm willing to bet many different results are achieved due to the enormous amount of fake transistors around and few people who can identify non fakes,
would you tune your radio with your ear? i doubt it, why trust it over mighty expensive high quality test gear? just because a radio sounds noisier, don't mean its picking up more useable signal, a point you seem to be missing, the same goes for quieting, could be it just ain't tuned properly.
*HZU unwavering faith in the supreme and absolute quality of each and every 1674 manufactured/used to produce all radios that are made cheaply and without the benefit or real quality control. After all; these are just CB's - and not Ham radios.
despite what you may or may not believe about ham radios. many of those are built as cheaply and without the real quality control you talk of, think yaesu ft100, biggest heap of shite i ever had the misfortune of using.
components used in both aren't decided by the radio industry, infact tv, dvd,hifi, computer manufacturers dictate whats new in electronics, radio is a very small and almost minority part of electronics these days.
*BTW - 'G0HZU' appears to be a Ham call sign that does not appear anywhere that I can find.
really ? i found it on many electronics sites and forums, not necessarily related to radio, but i can tell many peoples writing styles/ knowledge no matter where they appear or what username they use. good radio knowledge is a very rare commodity and stands out like a sore thumb. because someone isn't on qrz.com don't mean they ain't clued up.
to make it easy for you Robb, i believe his other passion is motorcycles, something i know fuck all about :
a bit later i quote you talking about faith, war etc, it always pays to know who your arguing with, something i learned at a very early age for survival in this city, research goes a long way, that link should help you.
*In addition, his faith in his own ability has led him to camp out here on this forum - on this and only thread - for the past week or longer. Up to 12 hours a day or longer as well. So the term 'faith' is often misused and misunderstood.
having read many of his posts elsewhere, i think his faith in his own ability is well justified, although i admit often he poses the problem without offering a solution, which i find a bit egotistical myself, but nonetheless the guy is very smart when it comes to radios, of that i have absolutely no doubt whatsoever,
as for this and only thread, i believe the uniden receiver designs, or shortcomings of them to be more precise are a bit of a passion for G0HZU, or more accuaretly improving on them, either that or i've totally misread his style, and haven't got the right person who writes very passionately on this very subject elsewhere in the uk, but my self belief, like his faith in his own ability, doubts that very much.
p.s. no i don't know him nor am i a friend of his, but technical ability stands out as surely as bullshit does, and i've witnessed plenty of that from him.
*While it has been both informative and interesting, it still doesn't make up for the fact that I am not an engineer, nor have I ever claimed to be one. Neither would I want to be - if the truth be told.
neither am i, but i certainly wouldn't argue with someone who is.
George - Irony is a conflict in the mind that may be used as the core element of humor. Or other avenues as well. Having said that, I find it ironic that HZU must camp out here in order to fulfill some equally ironic personal goal. Obsessive would be the right term here.
Faith is often used as a weapon in many parts of the world fought with bullets instead of God's own words. I know that is what you have seen growing up and for many years. But there really is life beyond what you have experienced.
obsessive is a word which just about sums up anyone who believes blindy in something they have NEVER witnessed, you know like God, or have you actually met him?
i've seen many things over the years, my life experience is a lot further ranging than the narrowminded bigoted morons within my city, or elsewhere for that matter.
You haven't got on the radio yet? Think I've talked to most of Ireland and the UK several times over the last two weeks. George - even a mobile will work.
too me, many things are more important than radio, working stateside is no big deal, even from our humble mobile setup,it was exciting when i was 15, but at 44 it doesn't quite have the same appeal, done it got the t shirt springs to mind, i have nothing to prove to me or anyone else.
but time is a rare commodity for me these days, and as i say radio is a very low priority, 20 years ago i would never have said that, but i'm older now, with 2 kids and i hope to hell i'm a heck of a lot smarter than when radio consumed so much of my time.