If you have one not needed, I would welcome it, and hope it leads to even better antenna performance.
May I PM you the info? Could I cover the cost of shipping?
And how do you think a bottom fed 1/2 wave compares to a center fed 1/2 wave dipole, if they are both installed with their tops at the same height?
My experience has me thinking that a lot of things are going on with the signal over distance, and not just relative to simple gain figures and varying atmospheric conditions, but even within static conditions, it seems one design beats others especially at distance as if there's more than meets the eye, such as possibly how the signal blends or cancels it's other angles depending on the E & F layers, and at
certain distances.
The P500 always seemed to hang in there when other guys in my area were losing the signal on their APs, Stardusters, Sigma4s, Macos and Imaxs but I could still communicate on the P500. It kind of gave me a reputation for being one of the bigger stations in the area. Only the guys with the Sigma5/8 rivaled it.
Could you also send some measurements where I should begin tuning, or do you think the new Vector 3/4 specs are the way to go? And if you have a copy of their assembly manual I'd like to buy one of those, too.