You could try hooking the radio up to a 12v battery (car battery) just to see if it makes a difference not using the power supply.
ok i have tried a new power supply and a new surge protector..the noise is still there.this is what i have tried a different radio, new jumpers to the radio and watt meter, new coax.. this is what i dont get i can sit in my driveway in my car talk on the radio and there is no noise on that one come inside and there is 7 pounds of noise and the antenna is just over a year old.. im thinking about selling all this stuff. im at my wits end here..
Did you try connecting the radio to a car battery in the house ? It could be your noise is in your electrical circuit in the house from something.
I haven't gone through the whole thread again so this may have already been discussed, if so, forget I asked.
It's fairly common to have more noise on a base antenna as compared to a mobile antenna. So, if there isn't a huge difference in that typical noise level, there really isn't a problem.
One of the first things to try (if you haven't already) is to swap the radio in the house with the one in the mobile. Any significant changes? Next, I'd try the base antenna to the radio in the car. Not exactly the easiest thing to do, but possible?
- 'Doc
I don't know about where you live, but here, an S-7 noise level isn't all that unusual.
sorry i meant to put that when i unplugged the radio that the noise was i didn't put the connectors on thats the way i got the coax.i will unhook the ground wires tomorrow and see if that takes care of the i do not have a plasma tv.. i appreciate all the help guys!!
If you've removed the coax from the radio and the noise is still there, I think you've pretty well ruled out the antenna as the problem. I'm afraid it's something to do with either the radio, or something inside your house -near- that radio that's the noise maker.
Antennas just don't produce noise, or anything else for that matter. They are just the 'window' that RF 'sunlight' gets in through. They don't make any of that RF 'sunlight' , they just let it in so the radio can see it. A fault with an antenna usually means it either lets something 'through' or it doesn't, or maybe just lets a little bit through (tinted windows?).
So, what are some of the other possibilities? The radio is probably the most likely from what you've described. Not a very happy thought, but that's what things point toward.
Good luck.
- 'Doc
Did you try hooking your mobile to the Imax outside ?