No, just use for reference - because of your need to develop a 3rd overtone, the whole mess needs to have less of Major so it doesn't swamp out the fundamental you're trying to obtain. This is what sounds like your major (forgive the pun) is...
So really, the 50 ohm impedance effect - you will need to Attenuate the Xtals output either series or parallel - to keep it from becoming the predominate, so the tripler it's used in, can actually develop the overtones (harmonics) without the major overwhelming it. There is a series of filters the PLL uses, but they can all sense-lock into the major simply by the ringing effect of RF noise on the ground plane the PLL chip is using.
You have to experiment with what you have first then decide, for the "notes" from back then are long gone off the desks of the engineers that developed that circuit to make the tripler work - the engineering that went into something like the 148 or Grant is decades old, their kids may not even have a spare spiral-bound in the closet or in a 3-ring binder up in their fathers old attic.