on my jrc radio one s unit is very close to 3db,
i am not saying the i10k has majical properties or has 3db gain over the imax but at the typical low height it was tested at over the ground and surroundings i have there is a big difference between the 2 antennas and an even bigger difference between the imax and my old avanti hybrid, ( thats right its not the best performing antenna at my location ) see i am not biased at all, move to another site and that may not be the case as others have found in their own tests,
65mph is nothing at all for a 10k, people here dont bat an eyelid at a 65mph breeze,
i love the convenience of the imax for a portable antenna but they are without doubt the weakest floppy stick antenna of its kind proven time and time again by the snapped imax's round here while the i10k is one of the stiffest and strongest by virtue of its fast taper schedule and decent quality tubing,
i would only start thinking about the i10k breaking if we had winds of over 90mph,
falling appart at 65 is silly talk, it was assembled wrong simple as that,
maybe jay needs to supply torque settings for the hose clamps instead of saying dont overtighten them for those with the mechanical aptitude of a bull elephant,
i am not into wasting money on cb bullshit and not the type of person to bull something up to justify me owning one,
if i can find a cheaper way thats at least as good then thats what i do, unfortunately no other antenna we can buy here offers such a good overall package as the i10k, maybe coily's base antenna is right up there too, i know the build quality will be tough as an old boot
throwing money at a hobby just so ya can claim to be top dog by virtue of maximum cost is as far away from my way of doing things as you can get.