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imax vs i10k

on my jrc radio one s unit is very close to 3db,
i am not saying the i10k has majical properties or has 3db gain over the imax but at the typical low height it was tested at over the ground and surroundings i have there is a big difference between the 2 antennas and an even bigger difference between the imax and my old avanti hybrid, ( thats right its not the best performing antenna at my location ) see i am not biased at all, move to another site and that may not be the case as others have found in their own tests,

65mph is nothing at all for a 10k, people here dont bat an eyelid at a 65mph breeze,
i love the convenience of the imax for a portable antenna but they are without doubt the weakest floppy stick antenna of its kind proven time and time again by the snapped imax's round here while the i10k is one of the stiffest and strongest by virtue of its fast taper schedule and decent quality tubing,
i would only start thinking about the i10k breaking if we had winds of over 90mph,
falling appart at 65 is silly talk, it was assembled wrong simple as that,
maybe jay needs to supply torque settings for the hose clamps instead of saying dont overtighten them for those with the mechanical aptitude of a bull elephant,

i am not into wasting money on cb bullshit and not the type of person to bull something up to justify me owning one,
if i can find a cheaper way thats at least as good then thats what i do, unfortunately no other antenna we can buy here offers such a good overall package as the i10k, maybe coily's base antenna is right up there too, i know the build quality will be tough as an old boot

throwing money at a hobby just so ya can claim to be top dog by virtue of maximum cost is as far away from my way of doing things as you can get. :lol:
I have never seen so many I-10K antenna experts in my life. But isn't it funny how all these so-called experts all seem to own the I-10K. The facts I stated about my friend's personal experience and performance with his I-10K are all true and if the truth is that hard to accept, than so be it. Making excuses and false accusations about my friend's application and his supposed poor assembly of the antenna is laughable.
the so called experts talk sense while you just say the first thing that makes you feel happy with the imax, if you had seen and used both antennas you could not possibly come to the conclusions that you have, the only laughable thing is you trying to make like the imax is as strong or stiff as the i10k, not even with a pound of viagra would the imax come close, anybody that owns both realise how stupid you sound, maybe in certain instalations the imax can be the equal on performance as i can only comment on my own test and what i have seen when friends have changed from imax to 5/8 sirio 827's but for stiffness/strength you really could not have picked a flimsier antenna to argue the point with :roll:
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My old Spectrum1600 has withstood 70+ mph winds, ice, snow etc.

The I-10k is bullet proof when it comes to the materials and engineering. I would bet it could easily withstand 100mph winds.

I don't like fiberglass base antennas.

LoneWolf TN
Hey 194, why don't you ask you friend with the I-10K to describe just how the antenna came apart and then tell us something in a little more detail. I was just giving my opinion about what must have happened, but you could straighten this all out for us in a minute, with a few words. Then maybe you would not feel so bad holding these hard feelings.

I may complain about my I-10K too, but it sure ain't about it being a flimsy and weak antenna. There is not a particular weak link (strength) in the whole design, not one. Jay has thought this one out very well and every part is built sturdy including the clamps.

Now if you tell us that the tubing broke off, the tuner fell apart and the tubing split, the GP radials broke in two, the radiator folded over in two or three pieces, and this all fell to the ground in broke up pieces, then I will have to take a new look at the issue. But if a couple of GP elements fell out of the tubing they were in, or the cap hat fell off, then that is a horse of a different color.

Bob makes very good arguments in his piece. We are not meaning to discredit you or your friend personally, like you imply. It is just an opinion we give about a very questionable incident you tell us about, and yes we both own I-10K's and maybe so do several others that have posted in this thread.
I own niether antenna but if you laid both of these antennas on the ground and gave me my choice between them I would pick up the I-10K and run.

Yes you do get what you pay for, the Imax allows you what like 1500 pep.

The I-10k handles several thousand watts pep.

the Imax is fiberglass and degrades faster in harsh weather and wind conditions

The I10-k does not.

So if your Imax last 5 years at 89 dollars and your I10-k last 20 at 290 dollars you're still way ahead to just save your pennies and buy good instead of OK.......
WOW!!! I'm "stupid"!! I'm holding "hard feelings"!! And I'm defintely being "misquoted"!!!! Just because I posted my friends personal experience with his I-10K and Imax 2000.

I think maybe the I-10K "fan club" should "chill out", because they defintely have a problem with posters who don't agree with them.

Ahem, excuse me I do not own either antenna in this thread but common sense says more metal is better and the addition of ground plane radials only contribute to the performance of an antenna.

To responde to you latest post about chilling out you my friend are clearly showing way to much anxiety over this issue and should heed your own advice.

Unit 194 said:
I have never seen so many I-10K antenna experts in my life. But isn't it funny how all these so-called experts all seem to own the I-10K. The facts I stated about my friend's personal experience and performance with his I-10K are all true and if the truth is that hard to accept, than so be it. Making excuses and false accusations about my friend's application and his supposed poor assembly of the antenna is laughable.
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Michael Bravo said:
Ahem, excuse me I do not own either antenna in this thread but common sense says more metal is better and the addition of ground plane radials only contribute to the performance of an antenna.

To responde to you latest post about chilling out you my friend are clearly showing way to much anxiety over this issue and should heed your own advice.

Excuse me!!!

The Imax has ground plane radials!!!!

Sounds to me like someone is "trolling".

I know people who love their Imax, and it seems to do a good job for them. I prefer a metal antenna, they have always outperformed fiberglass in my uses. One just cannot compare the quality of the I10k to a fiberglass groundplane antenna. As far as the 10k going down in 65mph wind, anything is possible, anything can happen to any antenna if the conditions are right, or maybe if there is a weak link. I could not question this happening to your friend, like I said - anything is possible. As far as a nice groundplane goes, I would LOVE to have the bucks to buy one of Coily's Enforcer base groundplane antennas - one of these days maybe.

LoneWolf TN
Unit 194 said:
Excuse me!!!

The Imax has ground plane radials!!!!

Sounds to me like someone is "trolling".

Not trolling what ever that means but you said nothing about a ground plane kit on that antenna until this post unless I missed it in your ramblings.

And I'd appreciate it if you'd stop making this discussion about you and your "friend" and get back to the perfomance of these antennas but me being the person I am I'm going to let you have this topic and move on to one that's less "he said" and more here's proof of the perfomance.

Justin De Polis (Also, it doesn't take an antenna engineer to know that the matching network on the I-MAX is a very lossy design by nature, and also that when both antennas are modeled in an antenna modeling program, the I-10K has a much lower radiation pattern than the I-max, which is great for longer distances. Also, the matching network on the I-max can case common mode currents back along the feedline which can cause TVI/RFI/BCI. (mess with your neighbors in english) On the I-10K there are very little if any common mode currents.)

now dipute these claims 194.

I apologize for being drawn into this argument
Well this reminds me of those who just love to call this a 10K World ,in reality ,it's there own worlds not nessasaraly everybodies world. I truly doubt these guys are experts , just pleased users. $hit happens sometimes,antenna's fall down ,radios blow up,microphones die,ect.ect. ect. and i personally don't care how much they sold for because it can happen to anything. If I personally had my choice and the money to spare , I'd more then likely go with a I10K , I've just heard and read to many good things about them over the years, IM a cb radio operator so chances are ,I would personally stick with the Maco 5/8s it has always given me the satisfaction for my needs at 89.99. I understand what your saying here 194 , but face it dude ,these guys are sold on what they have and can afford to have it, that's what floats there boats , it's all good. To each his or her own. It's like i said earlier , Cales' 10K's for those that use them , there's nothing else on this planet for those guys other then those antenna's , I like Wilson's , because that's all I need. Oh and something else here , I know guys today that have been running old Wilson and Maco 5/8s for over 20 years now , all rusted up and damned near look black in the sky , but guess what , they still have great matches on them and there still talking all over the world with them, oh yeah ,but there just your run of the mill cb radio operators , they only care about what works for them and not about what the best equipment is on the face of the earth. And even if they could afford it , it's not what "they" need. Same goes for guys that run 5K to the guy that runs 500 watts or less , one just tends to need more then the other for them to feel like that's what is needed for them. Different strokes for different folks. BFD !! Peace
Michael Bravo said:
Not trolling what ever that means but you said nothing about a ground plane kit on that antenna until this post unless I missed it in your ramblings.

And I'd appreciate it if you'd stop making this discussion about you and your "friend" and get back to the perfomance of these antennas but me being the person I am I'm going to let you have this topic and move on to one that's less "he said" and more here's proof of the perfomance.

Justin De Polis (Also, it doesn't take an antenna engineer to know that the matching network on the I-MAX is a very lossy design by nature, and also that when both antennas are modeled in an antenna modeling program, the I-10K has a much lower radiation pattern than the I-max, which is great for longer distances. Also, the matching network on the I-max can case common mode currents back along the feedline which can cause TVI/RFI/BCI. (mess with your neighbors in english) On the I-10K there are very little if any common mode currents.)

now dipute these claims 194.

I apologize for being drawn into this argument

More "he said she said" quotes?????? You are definitely the master of "contradiction".

Since you are NOT the Administrator and/or Moderator of this forum, I would appreciate if you would refrain from telling me what subject matter that I may or may not discuss on this forum. 73's!
Unit 194,

Did your freind call the I10k company and ask what might have happened, I bet there is some kind of warrentee on it and if there was a bad part they would replace it. No matter what you buy best and most expensive or cheap there is always a chance of getting a bad item. Thats why there are warrentees on stuff. The 10k is stated for much higher wind survival so tell your freind to call and get fixed up.

I myself would love to hear details of exactly how it fell to pieces.

I am not a 10k owner but a maco 58 owner and cant justify buying a 10k. my maco does wonders for me at only 7ft off ground and will prob. last 20 years and at the price they sell I can buy a spare just in case.

I did own a I max 2000, after having my maco for about a year I took it down ant tried the I max in the same spot but after a 2 month period went back to my maco.I hated the noise and the lower signal reports I got when useing I max. my maco is not built as tough as the 10k but it has been holding up in high gusts and thats why I find it hard to believe it did.I am not sticking up for the 10k because I own one either.

But I can say if I spent the money on a 10k and it fell apart I would be calling someone to straighten it out, money back or new antenna if it was a part failing. I am sure they stand behind there product.Tell your freind to call them.

I am just trying to help your freind and not trying to piss anyone off.


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