im leaving nothing at that buddy, we must strive to educate fools,
go back and read the crap you posted,
everytime you open your mouth you display a lack of undertsanding of radio and how they work,
you have an unwillingness to learn from people who do understand,
you ignore folk not on your frequency, tell them to go to AM until they wise up, chase them off the frequency,
and all because they are doing EXACTLY what you say they should be doing, running radios with no means to adjust TX frequency,
a radio snob that lacks any understanding of radio
the worst kind of amateur out there,
we argued before, you talked shit then too,
peckers like you chased some smart guys off here in the past, that won't happen with me sweetpea,
your not capable of chasing me off anywhere,
the only folk capable of doing that are the moderators & moleculo,
now im done
go back and read the crap you posted,
everytime you open your mouth you display a lack of undertsanding of radio and how they work,
you have an unwillingness to learn from people who do understand,
you ignore folk not on your frequency, tell them to go to AM until they wise up, chase them off the frequency,
and all because they are doing EXACTLY what you say they should be doing, running radios with no means to adjust TX frequency,
a radio snob that lacks any understanding of radio
the worst kind of amateur out there,
we argued before, you talked shit then too,
peckers like you chased some smart guys off here in the past, that won't happen with me sweetpea,
your not capable of chasing me off anywhere,
the only folk capable of doing that are the moderators & moleculo,
now im done