"Duty cycle'.Would the MFJ dry dummy load 1kw be okay to use? I was thinking but the time I pay for the canister fluid dummy load oils it would be the same price? Was thinking about getting the MFJ 1kw dummy dry version.
"Duty cycle'.Would the MFJ dry dummy load 1kw be okay to use? I was thinking but the time I pay for the canister fluid dummy load oils it would be the same price? Was thinking about getting the MFJ 1kw dummy dry version.
Would the MFJ dry dummy load 1kw be okay to use? I was thinking but the time I pay for the canister fluid dummy load oils it would be the same price? Was thinking about getting the MFJ 1kw dummy dry version.
"Duty cycle'.
What model number is it?
How much time transmitting versus how much time NOT transmitting into it. Most dry dummy loads are rated for full power only for a very short time period. My MFJ-264 load is rated at 1.5 Kw. yeah for about 5 or 10 seconds maybe if you let it cool off long enough between keydowns. It only has a 50 watt resistor in it. It will handle 100 watts for many minutes however as long as it has several minutes to cool off. My 600 watt Bird Termaline 8401 is about 25 times heavier and will take 600 watts continuously 24/7. Beware of dummy load ratings.
Not so much about price, but hassle getting additional liquids etc and possible mess. Benefits compared to dry load?Does the filler fluid really cost you that much? It takes about a gallon of mineral oil, that isn't that expensive...
It will be entertaining no more than 400W. Its model number MFJ 264
Same as my MFJ load. nThere is a derating curve on the end of it. At 400 watts it says no longer than 40 seconds keydown time but not sure the cool off time......likely several minutes once it gets hot. getting them too hot can change the resistance even before the load burns up.
You loan them out? LolTalking about dummy loads.
My baby can take 1200W FM carrier 24/7
A lot cheaper than might MFJ.
Ok, so hence I assume liquid will be better at dissipating heat.
The old Heathkit dummy in the gallon paint can used a resistor rated for 60 Watts in air.
Lots more in oil. The more-efficient heat transfer of a liquid coolant is why your daily driver is not air-cooled.
Not unless it's old enough to be sworn in as president,