Liking SSB
I got my brand new Magnum S45 yesterday evening. I couldn't wait to try SSB.
Well, I was down in Corpus Christi,Texas today and I found a couple of guys on LSB 37 talking so when they were through talking I asked for a break. One guy came back, as it turns out they were both in Corpus as well. We talked for a couple of minute and he told me that I should have no problem getting out with my radio from the way it sounded.
Well just about an hour later I was able to make solid contact to 741 in New York, as well to stations in and Pennsylvania an Ontario,Canada. I tried to contact 187 in New Hampshire, Conn. but had no luck. I also had my number called by stations in Montana and California , but there was no real conversation.
What I really liked was that there was NO B.S. like on regular CB. No one had splatter boxes and nobody repeated them selves 20 times just to finish break break break break break or bye bye bye bye bye.
This evening I tried USB 16 to contact stations i heard out of Cali., but had no luck.
When I talked to 741 in New York it was as if he was only a couple of miles from me. Nice clean audio. So far I am really liking SSB. I'm sure there are some clowns out there, but what I heard today was so much nicer then regular CB.