Art Work and Layout
Ok,,,I didnt get a reply to a question i asked,from someone.So I am gonna try to get these up.It might be the wrong way,,,,but it's what i could figure
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Here we go..
Step 1
These are the tools needed for this step..
We have a "ruler/straight edge" This is what i like because it's stainless steel,and that means it will be straight...A "Dremel Tool", a engraving cutter #106(from Dremel) a "Sharpie" that has the ultra fine point...Another example of a straight edge.I cant stress enough that all this has to be take your time with the 'art work" and get it right...I felt that this was the simplest way to mark your board..Most of you probly dont want to learn how to make "transparencies" and how to "etch" at this time...
I built a "CNC" router to cut my boards...which is another
Step 2
Take an old transistor or a new one,it does'nt realy matter...and mark it as the photo.Use the "fine" tip end of the "Sharpie".Mark the flanges and the ceramic as shown...
Step 3
Set the transistor in the cut outs on the board....
Step 4
In this step we are going to give our art work the center lines.This is why we marked the transistor,to use it as a template...
Now these marks are what centers every other line up...SO....get it right !
You will make these marks 1/8 in. long, and use the "extra fine" point of the "Sharpie"..I know this look's boring,,,but it has to be and done correctly !
Step 5
Now this is an example of what these measurements will give you...
Use your straight edge to make these lines straight..
Lay the board out with the 2 cut outs for the drivers closest to in the photo....
Now "vertical" is up and down,,,,and horizontal is like when your laying in bed with the wife or girlfriend....and just to be politiclly correct,,maybe your,,,you get the picture,,,,right? it's left to right....ok!
Now,start on the left cut out and make a line from the bottom of the 1/8 in. line you alredy have,,,and make a "vertical" line 3/8th in long..Repeat this on the remaining 3 lower flange marks..Now do the same 3/8th in. long line using the upper flange marks,,,also in a vertical line...
Now,,,take your straight edge and place it under those lines,,,in a "horizontal" and make a line across the bottom and across the top....not extending past your "vertical" lines...
Ok,,,now,,,place your straight edge "vertical" and line it up with the vertical line off the lower flange,,and use this position to connect your vertical lines to the left marks made on the ceramic of the transistor....Now line the straight edge up on the right ones,,,and connect those...Now either use a steady free hand to connect the void's or i like to use the straight edge and lay it diagonal and finish up the lines...I think you see what i'm talkin about from the photo...Also remember that if ya make a mistake,,,stop,,,and use rubbing alcohol and a paper towel to clean it off,,,it will come right off..Be sure to dry it off before ya try again...
Now if you have done it correctly then you will have a measurement of 1 and 1/2 in. from top and bottom vertical lines...and your pad's will be about 13/16th in. across....and 3 7/8th in. from side to side
Check yourself !
Step 6
This photo shows your already lined out pads for the tramsistors and also the next step...The pad's for input transformers and for the B+ for the output transformers.
Starting with the input side,which is the side closest to you,,remember where the 2 empty cut outs are...
Now take your straight edge and position it "vertical" and line it up with the far left vertical line,,,and measure down 1/4in. make a,,,continue down to 3/8 in. and make a the same on the far right side...Now lay the straight edge horizontal and connect the 2 marks at top and the same at the use the far ouside vertical lines to line up and connect the 2 horizontal line,,vertically...
dont worry about the spaces inbetween right now....
Now for the B+,,,either turn the board or,just measure from the top,,,whatever ya want,,,just get the measurements correct..
Laying the straight edge vertical again,,,go out from the top 1in. and mark,,then continue out 1 1/2 in. and mark.. do this on both left and right,,again,,just like the ones for the input..
Now position "horizontal" and connect as before...
Place an "X" between the pad's if ya like to let you know,"X"= Dont cut !
Ok,,,now to be sure ya have it,,,,the distance from the top of the "B+" pad to the bottom of the "input pad's" should be 3 and 3/4th in.. and from left to right,,you should have 3 and 7/8th in.
If ya have those and it look's like the photo....Then "Congradulations" you have completed step one!
If not,,,then get out the alcohol and paper towls,,and do it again....
Next in "step 2" we will cut the board out,,,"Free Hand" with our Dremel...
Post any questions here,,,and if anyone can tell me how to get the photo's in the post...please do so...Also i will appoligize for any "typo's" now,,,and dont tell me about will just slow me
rfpowerman 8)