Yep Homer I think you're right, I saw about the same when I tested each antenna on both mounts with or without the other mouned.
I do a + or a - when the signal is a bit over or just a bit less than the whole number. When I add the numbers up to get the average, I add .5 to the + and subs tract .5 for the minus.
When I take a smaller sampling of contacts I tend to get different numbers and that depends on the mix (weighted values), this is why I tried to use the same guys, so as to help balance out the comparisons from test to test. The affects of conditions may also affect the individual test results from report to report along with the human factors, but in the end I lost this control when Bill died and several others just stopped talking regular every morning.
With my new random reporting I don't think I'll see this issue testing each antenna one at a time, like the rest of the world does it. BTW, I'm trying to video each test as much as time will allow. These videos tend to be too long for YouTube, so I won't have any proof, so were back to square one.
I know folks won't believe the new results either, but that is what I see and I'll post it anyway...I figure it is at least better than "Deadwood" telling us that his Imax destroyed his A99 to his buddy down the road when he was 13 and test his daddy's A99 in 1996 vs. his own Imax last week.
So far I'm seeing just what I've always seen, my antennas all perform far more similar that other operators find. Of course the shorter antennas should be a little bit behind the taller antennas, but well see. Here is my Marconi 7x report. I sure would like to be able to test using two-way reports, that might tell something that I don't see. I've always assumed that antennas are reciprocal so it should not make a big difference, but sometimes other guys I contact do see much more of a difference in signals than I do. That said, I wonder if real test ranges test their antennas both directions, or do they just assume a reciprocal response.
I guess if Mr.S would splain' that one to us, then maybe it would help explain why for some of these questions. I guess a lot matters as to what each individual believes the differences should be. Personally I estimate my differences of .1 - .3 Sunits might convert to a range of 1/4 db to maybe 2 db difference, and I figure with most of these antennas that might be the difference we might expect. However, when someone sees 2-3 Sunits difference, I believe what they say, but I wonder how or what that could be.
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