Got it pluged in neat radio have it on 27.555 usb But nothing going on. Is there any ham band I can listen to?? Just to see how she sounds...
Thank you I will give it a try. the last 24 hrs have been kind of heard as my wife had her second heart attack late yesterday . I'm at the hospital now and she is sleeping , and I just needed to do something to get my mind off things . As soon as things get normal and my wife comes home I am going to try the settings.Go into the menu and set the contour level to +6. Next adjust the contour to around 2000Hz. You'll find it makes the clarity of SSB better.
Notch you only really use when you've got something like a muppet keying up on CW to tune their amp.
DNR I've found on Yaesus you don't really want to go higher than 2 or 3. Go too high and it gives a warble to the received audio which can make it harder to understand.
You also have an attenuator. If your S meter is showing more than S1/S2 with no received signal use the attenuator. Sounds contrary to reduce gain to increase the ability to hear signals but what you do is increase the dynamic range of the radio, you just have to turn up the volume knob a bit on SSB.
Have fun!Got the rig yesterday going to plug it in today and see if I can figure some stuff out. Already been reading the manual..
Switch sidebands.I can hear some activity but cant seem to clarify them in...