The amount of loss in coax cable is always dependent on the length of the run and the frequency of use. For a typical mobile installation, probably not more than 20 feet of cable, there is no appreciable losses with almost any coax cable. It's just not something to worry about. Keep in mind that the quoted losses are for 100 feet. If you are using something like a 1/5th of that length, the losses are going to be a 1/5th of it too. Until losses get to something like 3dB you, or the guy on the other end will never even be able to detect it.
As for power handling, if you don't contemplate using the cables maximum capability, it's also not worth worrying about. Just because it may handle a lot of power does not mean that there's anything 'special' about it. That high power rating is meaningless in most cases.
- 'Doc