I think even I have reached my limit (ha!).
From the Galaxy 99v2 now taken the place of the 86v so as to fit the wider and deeper bracket:
2). P-E CMNF 500 filter
3). Morgan Systems 411cb Bandpass
4). RM Italy KL203P
5). MFJ 945e Tuner
6). P-E CMNF 1500 filter
A). Wilson CoPhase RG8X Coax (FME ends to Mini-UHF adapters) with (4) total FT240-31 toroids wrapped at 3.0” diameter sequentially (two each leg);
C). Wilson 2000 pair on 5” shafts with 49” whips.
D). As before, power is ANCOR 10/2 Duplex fused at battery with Neg to chassis.
E) Power is distributed from a 4-way box (next to 1500 filter); Anderson PowerPoles
1). Radio
2). Speaker
3). Tuner
4). Amp
F). Chassis RF bonding is (at present ). (4) door hinges and a couple below. (Need more on cab)
G). Took the truck locator and bundled the wiring into split loom.
The move of “the radio stack” gets it away from the heat up there plus other wiring.
The coax is due to come back out to try a set of FT240-61 toroids acquired in concert with an existing pair of FT240-31 installed awhile back (2 of those 4 removed).
All is now FAR more accessible. Two holes drilled in cab curtain track are invisible once stack removed.
The cabling mess is three systems:
- DC Power
- Coax
- RF Ground of three units to single point (up inside console, about 1.5’ total distance).
Took two days at home to remove as was (earlier post pics) and “custom-fit” what you see.
I’ve learned a lot since I started this, and am pleased given current performance.
Voices just show up, startles me
(It’s as though the noise background is now shallow water versus deep).